Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Wednesday March 19th. Sunshine but my ankles are cold.

 I REALLY  want Tacos.

My Master Gardener Pal. Has been sending me recipes.....I like the pictures...but not the recipes. The green stuff in the tacos is cilantro...I am one of the people who taste something else when tasting cilantro. It's a genetic thing.   An Oddity.   Soap.

Daughter is making an alphabetic notebook of authors and books I read or might read.....from a handful of scraps of paper and notes on my desk here.... We missed my haircut appointment AGAIN and the owner of the shop called and I could hear it in her voice....very very disappointed in me- well, it's not like I could get there myself....

Before that she and her brother took THREE extra tables to Goodwill.  Then both had to SWEAR that all the parts and screws etc were traveling with the tables....all the legs as well....ALL FOUR LEGS.  I was imagining myself at the doorway- saying those things......I could SEE MYSELF..... hands on hips...All the legs????? All the screws???????   

I had to go back and see if I had already gone on and on regarding tacos.  I forget. A lot these days. I am thinking when you don't have much to think about you re-wind and re-wind...... just stuck.  I keep hoping I am not doing that here.....But other than the water chart, the growing daffodils out back and the two large boxes by the front door across the street.......not much going on here.   I could grab another coloring book but the one's husband had do not interest me........and try as I might....I can't convince myself to sew strips on the squares.   So.........I am just circling the drain.

I need to eat breakfast and have two glasses of water (hydration). Then read the newspaper and work on the unfinished Suduko puzzle pile......  and then reward myself with the book I am reading....

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