Sunday, March 16, 2025

Sunday, Sunday- only it's cloudy and damp here in Maine. 45 degrees and 99% humidity.

Caryopteris with a Sweat Beetle.

Gathering pollen.   I feel like I am gathering dust.   This is what getting old must be like......I've never actually FELT OLD before but now...I feel like I have an expiration date stamped on me somewhere. And now I know how quickly death can come and take you away. Snap.

I watched three recorded episodes of Vienna something on PBS.  I'd seen them before but I do always enjoy a nice Period Drama. I have episodes of Wolf Hall recorded and waiting for all of them before watching...I usually read the book after watching......I have it in the bookcase...also the Mirror one.

I will be searching for a Jude Deveraux book- I know the plot but not sure I have the book here......It's one of those where two women and one guy- Ray are going to change their making a wish to go back in time to the place where they made the wrong choice.   I have to go looking.  And actually buy the book if I don't have it.  I know exactly where I made my wrong choice......

The Boxes of linen etc arrived in Georgia at Deb L's Dye Works...... I was getting worried....but they all arrived.   She has PLANS......I love that about Deb- and she gets right to those plans...  I really wish I had a PLAN.  Any sort of Plan would be an improvement.....I feel like I'm stuck in neutral and if there is any movement it's usually in reverse.  Not forward.  I spend a lot of time each day in reverse...thoughts.

So Sunday Pizza.....recorded British Soccer and a book search.... I also have some additional closet cleaning to do.  How does a person who wears the EXACT SAME  THING  DAY AFTER WEEK  AFTER MONTH AFTER YEAR AFTER DECADE.....have so many clothes??????????   It's like they multiply in the closet....yesterday I found some "new to me" tee's like some sort of Magical Closet Thing.  I wore a bright red shirt the other day.....I didn't even know I owned one....found it when looking for stuff to send Deb L in Georgia. For the Dye Works.  Can't dye a red I put it on.


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