Friday, March 14, 2025

Daily Notes- Friday March 14th.. Sunshine and Melting Snow-

Amy Genser- Textured Pattern. 

Okay- the Sun is shining here in Maine...the snow is melting, the grass is brown.   On the South side- Snow and tiny daffodil shoots.  Odd that the South side has snow and the North side has grass.

I watched National Geographic yesterday regarding digging into the sand to find ancient tombs and possibly treasure....I came away with a very positive impression that I would NEVER go down into one of those shafts with so much moving sand.......another thing to cross off the list.

Things are looking tidy here in the living room (the dining room part of the L shape is where I am sitting now typing at my desk and where my couch is located and I watch tv.  Cozy.)   Daughter and I have emptied out the living only two bookcases, a couch (pressed up against a wall) and a table and four chairs over in front the windows..  There is zero Living Room vibe.

In fact...on this particular street I have never visited ANY of the living rooms....always sat and talked in the family rooms. Always.  Which is why my living room is empty.  Of course I do NOT have a family house is incredibly WEIRD.  And no one ever comes to visit. Well, the Twin Boys used to come pretty often to talk to husband.  They talked and he pretended to listen.

We are going grocery shopping as soon as Son takes his shower.......and the Library... I will have to walk about looking for books as I did NOT order books.... I have four books on the shelf I haven't read as yet. And of course I have my bookcase.


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