Friday, March 21, 2025

It's Raining and wet outside On Friday March 21st.'s taken me a bunch of tries to get the left margin all the way to the left.  I gave up on any images as they were inserting themselves anywhere they pleased....... I actually almost gave up on posting you know things aren't going well.

In the Library I got to feeling like I should sit down and drink water....The Gal at the desk got me a glass of water and kept checking to see if I was okay.. I think I was just too warm...... Grocery was okay but we bought hardly anything that I would eat.. I did get some cereal....and I remembered I had a half gallon of milk in the fridge.  I remembered....that was a surprise.  I bought one yogurt ( I only LIKED one flavor they had stocked- and the one I bought was the only one of that flavor.). I also remembered to buy sliced ham and cheese for my lunches and some tortillas to wrap around the meat and cheese. NO CHIPS.

Everything that happens now is related to how much WATER I drink each day... my brain seems to recall things better if I am hydrated.....

Anyway, I woke up feeling pretty good...I slept well and my hair looked okay....I had a shower yesterday and added "product " to my hair.... so it's shiny and controlled.  Not Old Woman White Puffy Hair.

Well, I am despondently going to drink a third 8 ounce glass of water, finish my 10 ounce reheated cup of decaf tea with sugar....... perhaps have a butt end of whole grain bread with peanut butter in an hour or so OR reheat a nice bowl of homemade vegetable soup and eat that.  I add macaroni noodles to it.

Perhaps they are trying to make me anticipate how nice it would be to go into Assisted Living... Another 8 ounces of water and a nap sound okay to me..... little to nothing to watch on tv and I sat on the couch yesterday readying a Kathleen Center book....start to finish.....I forgot to look in the stacks for another of her books.....wish I recalled the title.  About a woman injured in a plane crash- the man she was supposed to marry piloted and crashed the plane- she was badly burned and paralyzed.  He found a new woman to be engaged to......lovely guy.  It's a good book...let me know if you find it in the stacks??? Then I can write down the title. Something about laughing.

Well, it's time to "water" myself.   sigh,


1 comment:

Paula, the quilter said...

The book is How To Walk Away. Apparently there is a short story entitled The Girl in the Plane that bridges the gap between How To Walk Way and The Things You Save in a Fire.