Saturday, March 01, 2025

Daily Notes for Saturday, March 1st. Son still chipping ice offf sidewalks.

Pile of scraps....mostly strips.  For that square making project that has gotten stalled.  Mainly because I can't find a "certain scrap" that I think would make a perfectly lovely square.  Virgo all the way.

Right now it's Soccer at 3 pm  (if available or one of the recorded games). Today is Saturday so it's PBS Cooking Shows (prior to Soccer at 3pm).  My son has taken pity on me and will upgrade my cable selection( if I say yes) so I can watch the Sports Talk Show I have enjoyed for years....  My Life is shrinking by the day.  I really did enjoy the Sports Talk Shows......nothing ever happened...they just talked.

I have a list of...something....really I made a list and now can't recall for the TAXES... Paperwork I need to dig out of the bill drawer.   Not today.  Too ditsy today.

Oil Delivery Yesterday- might have already mentioned it....also a shower this morning and conditioned my hair......Breakfast was Oatmeal and a Banana.  At times the Banana gives me Acid reflux.  Not today. I had homemade soup yesterday for dinner at 4 pm.....  I will have more 4 pm.

I'm going to stop typing as I am boring myself and I imagine boring all three of you still reading this blog. I try and imagine myself going back to coloring the circles my husband left unfinished.....I also imagine making more patchwork squares.......I even think about painting a small watercolor of an orange...

I pasted small squares of yellow paper over every image of He Who Shall Not Be Named in the newspaper this morning.  That's actually troublesome behavior even to ME.  I  enjoyed doing it. I think that makes it even more troublesome behavior.

Yesterday's book " Is She Really Going Out With Him?"  Sophie Cousens.  Strange title. Nothing to do with the book as the two characters never actually "dated" ..  I finished reading it but......massively needed a much better proofreading team.... the typos got annoying and the use of the wrong word......"much" instead of "make" etc. Characters just appearing and then disappearing. Also vast portions of the text could have been deleted. Replaced with better things.

I think I read it before the Mystery Proofreading Library Patron got her pencil on it.  So annoying.  I like to find the mistakes MYSELF....and leave them unmarked for the next person. To Find.



Katja said...

Hello Joanne,
I've been reading yours for a long time and I don't find it boring. We all have our little problems in life and have to overcome them.
I live near Berlin and am over 60 years old. All the best, Katja

Joanne S said...

welcome and hello.....