Monday, March 17, 2025

March 17th....Dark, Wet Monday. The crock pot holds our corned beef dinner...

My favorite of the many Trump Voo Doo dolls.  I'd be pounding nails into mine if I had one. Enjoying every whack of the hammer.... and using big thick nails.

Okay- I watched everything in my PBS file.....and then started in on Law and Order.  I'm saving the English Soccer for today.....Not watching news (at all) is limiting my tv watching...but the one minute- an actual minute- I did see news- I knew I had to STOP.   I did read the newspaper....usually only the headlines.

Daughter is bringing me a book from the Library...I just wanted something familiar.  Comforting.  Like a small kid with his or her blankie.   I just got an email about King George lll.  Resemblance to he who shall not be named.

Our Corned Beef is in the Slow Cooker....I got a larger piece this year- for leftovers and bigger portions with the potatoes and cabbage.  And carrots.  It's a meal I missed for many years......I stopped cooking meals when my husband stopped....... eating....meals.....with me......... It might have been when he forgot who I was,  Why I was always around.  Everything that happens reminds me of something I'd rather not recall......

I looked in a drawer and found a large handful of CD's- There will be rock and roll in this house...also opera and 40's men singing love songs.   When Son goes out to lunch I will get the audio UP and enjoy the music.  Looking forward to it.

Time for breakfast....

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