Chocolate Guiness Cake. I've may have had this cake when I visited Ireland in the 80's.....if not....I think I really missed out on something great. Instead of cake..... I did get "propositioned" in an Irish Cemetery.... as my friend said- "only you, Joanne". The guy was young and good looking so I was okay with it...but still said "no thank you" to what he offered.. (and what had to be explained to me LATER). I really led a sheltered life back then.
Every time my friend thought about it- she and everyone else laughed until they had tears running down their faces.
Our Irish St Patty's Day Dinner was very good....the cabbage wedges needed a few more minutes but will be excellent after spending time in the microwave today.
Daughter scouted around the house and found some leather cleaning supplies (husband's stuff) and cleaned and whatever-ed all my Coach Handbags.....we also moved me into a smaller bag for spring into summer... I carry very little with me these days.. wallet, credit card, hankie and any lists I happen to have for books or groceries or things I might need to remember.....yes...ALL my Coach handbags.....the only one missing is a red one..I never could find the larger size in red ....I have brown, navy, green and black. The black one was free. A gift from someone I was having lunch with... "Want this????". That's how I get stuff or get "offered" stuff here in America. Laughing.
I think we took a TON of stuff to Goodwill.
Well, I have recorded British Soccer for today...a book to finish. "Funny Story" by Emily Henry. Followed by As You Wish by Jude Devereaux. I need to find a hard cover copy of this book for my bookcase.
Well, I need to add socks to my wardrobe---make a bowl of oatmeal and get a cup of instant coffee the paper and then.......try a Suduko. ...then the couch and my book and the Soccer. And if ONLY I was able....a nice nap would be welcome. But I have never been able to "nap". You'd think that well into my late 70's I would be able to nap....just from being bored .....but NO. Failure to Nap.
Bring on the cake,,.......
1 comment:
That cake looks amazing!
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