Friday, March 21, 2025

Clouds in My Coffee. A Rainy Thursday in March.

 Grocery/Library tomorrow and King Arthur Shortbread Mix.....I don't have a pretty patterned baking dish.. so my shortbread will be flat and plain... IF my grocery carries this mix...99% doubt it. Then I'll just buy a box of already made design on those either.

I wrote checks....and disliked my bill paying ink went on the search for the ones I liked.. zero... and so I collected all the ones I don't like and put them on the table where my daughter is writing a list of books I like reading.....this will be interesting as some books I recall by author and some by title and some by the art on the cover..........meaning I see the cover and think- that was a good book...... the list is alphabetic.  by author.  Might work out.  Also the papers she has collected are years old in some cases...and I have changed in what I enjoy reading....

I used to read very scary murder mysteries.... Very scary.....and NOW, I do not. People being shot, stabbed and chopped up-- not in my wheel house anymore.

I am returning three books I thought I could read....I could not force myself to do it...One I might start today....I don't recall it being funny- laugh out loud funny.... (blurbs on the book cover). Woman gets hit by a car while walking in the crosswalk and has brain injury that causes her to forget Her Life Entirely. Doesn't come back.  How does that become laugh out loud funny???????

My Son has purchased a new game via "poof" and it arrives.  Like on his phone?  Like on the computer? As he box, no mail... no waiting...... "poof".

I think people get books for their iPad via "poof" also.   I find screen reading or watching here at the desk to be very hard on the eyes.  Of course my eyes are Elderly Eyes. They can still thread a sewing needle ...but takes a few tries.  These days.  Still looking for a certain piece of fabric...ask me about it and I haven't a clue...I think I will know it when I see could happen.

Took a shower this morning, washed my hair and put product in it.....I think...not sure...that I combed my hair sort of feels combed...I don't think I drank the right amount of glasses of water before I sat down here I had 8 I will go have another 8 ounces.... plus a cup of decaf coffee. Yes, another 8 ounces of water and then....well, I guess British Soccer....I read Devereaux"s As You Wish. I cried at the end.....I need to buy a copy- I will check and see if the Little Local Bookstore can order me one.  Hardback......I should set aside a few days and read the entire series in order.

I'd like to go back in Time and make a different decision...change my Life. 

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