No Soccer today as we seem to be having BASKETBALL. The High School Variety. Humbug.
I stayed up late (for me) reading but then decided I needed to sleep. This morning I discovered I was up MUCH earlier than usual and could watch ALL the Food Channel Saturday Food Shows. Not that I have an interest in cooking or baking anything. Eating? Yes.
A few emails this from my Master Gardener Pal....she actually is under the impression that I am driving my car. No. I am guessing I COULD drive the car if it was a desperate emergency... but that is the only way it might happen.
I have to keep reminding myself it is NOW MARCH. I have a new fresh page of the desktop calendar to add images to....I have some flowers and a political cartoon of a guy saying since Musk has all our personal info now- this guy is going to let Musk do his taxes......
In BETTER NEWS.... my former neighbor Peggy gave us Amaryllis bulbs a year (possibly two) ago and they bloomed beautifully. I kept them in their pots and watered them etc....just in case they wanted to bloom again. And this morning as I cleaned up the plant table (by the south facing window) and watered things... I noticed tiny green shoots coming out of the center of the bulb.....leaf shoots. Once a Gardener...Always a Gardener.
I need. to tell daughter to find a hard cover copy of Jude Deveraux's True Love....I am wearing my eyes out.trying to read a small paperback with tiny print.....late into the night. But the hunt might take awhile- months or even a I will continue reading after the food shows are over.
That's it from Maine.... Where everything is covered in snow and it feels really COLD. Even in the house.
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