But I do love TRYING to bake Bread..... and I especially love EATING BREAD......Why my bottom is so wide....no matter what I weigh. We could have bought bread. Like this image.
So...big wind last night.....Son got to experience it on the second floor....with skylights. I slept thru it. For the past few nights- I get in bed and then wake up and it's morning....sleeping- a new experience for me. Literally, a new experience....sleeping. No dreams.
I am re-reading the Runaway Groomsman...by Meghan Quinn. I am enjoying reading it but not as much as usual. I may have outgrown it....that is happening....my appetite for books is changing....and some books I never get past page 11. This is something "new"......something to consider and think about. Page 11.
Well, I was planning to make soup today but I think I might just. cook some rice and add green peas and butter to it... call it a meal. I am feeling too lazy for all the peeling and chopping involved in soup. I didn't buy ham and cheese for tortilla roll ups either. I actually didn't buy anything for the week's meals. I am positive this is a sign of depression....no Planning. no Interest.. Lots of Sleeping.
I was VERY HAPPY to see the backyard daffodil bulbs returning for another SPRING.
And I did change my bed sheets and I washed them and dried them and put them back on the bed...I did do that......and it felt like "enough".
Washed, dried, wrestling match getting back on bed. Triumphant you❤️.
Laughing....it's a tall four poster- I do have to CLIMB!!!!
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