Feeling more chipper as I have actually listened to my Son and Daughter and returned to marking my glasses of water on the chart......."I need to be hydrated in order to make sense"..... and I realized I have had the soup image here already so it's a repeat as is whatever I wrote about soup. And "not making sense".
I have to work on not forgetting stuff.... and not repeating stuff.........I do both.. I'm OLD. I'm BORING. I did find a new unopened box of my favorite pens...BOLD black ink...feels like Christmas or my Birthday. Every time I walk over to the table and see the pen box.....will I live long enough to use them up? It's fascinating I still know how to do this blog stuff........Know how to order books on the computer from the Library. Write checks and pay bills......
I have some work to do on my desk calendar...stack of images to paste on the empty spaces before I tear it off and start in on April. I am still collecting all the used desk calendar pages in a cardboard box. I had a reason in the beginning but have forgotten what it was and just continue doing it- perhaps I will remind myself of the reason????
I thank Paula for the "Book Report" and I have located and ordered three more books by Katherine Center from libraries other than my own. I have two in my bookcase- The Bodyguard which I LOVE and the Rom Commers which I also LOVE. Things You Save in A Fire is also good...but not good enough to buy....yet. I need to read it a few more times......that's how I decide....how often I re-read a book.
The book I am reading today is a library book....but I walked over to my bookcase and my copy of the book is there on the shelf...The Dead Romantics/Poston....funeral home owners who can see and talk to the dead.... I recall the love interest being dead also?...... Ashley Poston. I also have the Seven Year Slip.
My fingers are freezing and turning strange colors. I have PBS Food shows to watch. They finally STOPPED FUND RAISING. We were going to donate husband's car to PBS but might just donate it to Goodwill. I'll wait for the annoyance factor to ease up before deciding....
The space behind the house is filling up nicely with daffodils.... Everything getting taller.. Soon there will be flowers. All the snow on the lawn has melted....the side ditch is full of water....no ducks swimming or eagles flying over to drop down and snag a duck for lunch...like the old days. So much has changed in over 30 years......perhaps longer... I always forget when exactly we move there. I was super depressed the first five years. Hated it here. Pizza tomorrow... Formula One Racing???? maybe.
Take care...talk to you tomorrow...
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