Saturday, June 15, 2024

Everyday Notes- Saturday, June 15th. Sunshine here in Maine and HEAT COMING SOON.

 These painting of Rothko's are so simple.  And they eventually became so expensive.

I STILL feel a bit chilled here in the house- son has opened windows upstairs and is feeling the heat.  I haven't opened ANY windows.   Lessons learned in my single and early double digit years of existence. Never open the windows.  Play in the cool dark basement.  Sit in the shallow backyard pool.  Read books on the front porch glider.

The new "all day super hold"  band (that is replacing the rubber bands) holding my wild white hair in some sort of "controlled knot" is actually doing the JOB.   I am thinking by fall I will be able to do what the Tennis Guys do with their hair.  A Nice Tennis Bun.  Looking forward to that.  I doubt I will be getting a haircut. Ever. Again.

Why?  Because getting one means I have to keep getting them......and I do not want to do that.

I read all five of the books that had to be returned by library has none of the other books by the library culls books and leaves bare spots and is actually just a place that borrows from better stocked libraries....this strike by the union that delivers the books....well........It will tell the story.

I did find two or three books on the Jennifer Crusie- Maybe This Time.  Reading it now. I have books in my personal bookcase to read....Old Favorites.  I am still drawing and then coloring things in my Art Notebook....when I am done..I will turn the book upside down and draw and color on the backside of the pages.  I sharpen the pencils with a tiny handheld rectangular sharper.  Old school.

I am no longer in a hurry to do anything....anything at all.  It's quite peaceful.

And my Previous Life was never Peaceful....the Summer Squash and Broccoli Rabe saute was delicious.

1 comment:

LindaSonia said...

I'm getting over the melancholy mood I was flung into when I looked up the life expectancy of a diabetic (which I am) and it was 75 and I'm 72. Talk about sobering.