Thursday, August 02, 2012

And Then There Was More Zucchini

I am seriously over supplied.  What was I thinking when I planted so many (4) hills of zucchini?  I was thinking about last summer when I had to go to the store and buy zucchini.  I also had to go to the store and buy yellow summer squash.   Last year was not my "best" effort at gardening.  This year.  Well, so far (knock on wood) things are going better.  I even got to sample three Sun Gold cherry tomatoes while in the garden mixing a 30 gallon garbage can of Cow Manure Tea.  I had to go to Home Depot to get dehydrated cow for the brew.  Everyone in the garden got a "sip".  It doesn't smell.  Let's see what happens.

I sliced up all the cucumbers I had on the counter and from the garden this afternoon.  Had to buy those at the store last year.  I ate three of them in an Israeli salad for breakfast this morning and still had plenty to slice for a cucumber salad for dinner tonight. I added black olives (an off brand) and while the salad was okay, I am not eating any more of those olives.  I like Lindsey olives best of all.  Nice and salty.

Work was very slow and very humid today.  I was soaking wet.  Wanted to do what I do in the privacy of my own home--wipe my face on the front of my tee shirt.  But I didn't think customers were interested in seeing my belly and bra while I did that.  Riley doesn't mind or he looks the other way.

The problems at work were all related to DEER EATING EVERYTHING.  And then I look out the dining room window at home and there's Bambi eating my Sweet Peas RIGHT NEXT TO THE FRICKING WINDOW.  Not a foot away from my face.  I got the dog and let him out the back door and he gave that deer what for and chased her out of the yard.  I would have gotten a picture for you--but those are my Sweet Pea Flowers!!!  Were. My. Sweet. Pea. Flowers.  I need a rifle handy to the back door.

Just finished Ron Rash's The Cove.  This man can write a book.  So sad but still so very beautiful.  Serena was a difficult read and so was his first book.  This read so smooth and the characters came to life from the very start.  I recommend it very highly.

G has just now walked into the house so I need to think about putting something together to go alongside the cucumber salad.  Extra hot sausages and some fried potatoes and onion.

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