We also stopped at TJ Maxx and guess what? It was Customer Appreciation Day and 15% off the total of what you spent. We got sale pajamas, a sweater and capri tights and a #26 Le Creuset cast iron casserole. Now I have #24, #26 and #28.
#28 was in the 300 degree oven while we were out. Union Street Cafe Black Bean Soup was baking for four hours. One pound of beans, one cup each of onion, carrot and celery, 2 quarts water, 2 cloves garlic, salt, pepper and thyme and 4 ounces of bacon were brought to a boil and then covered and set into the oven. And it's Good. I used the immersion blender to smooth it all out. I think a small dollop of sour cream on top and I will be happy.
I think #28 will be going in the oven with my Linsensuppe recipe next. I may start baking all my soups. I use #24 for No Knead Bread. Don't know what #26 will be responsible for yet. Perhaps spaghetti and meatballs which I also bake or brisket. I love new pots and pans.
I purchased 6 more 12 inch square gallery wrapped canvases at Big Lots. I plan to mount fiber work on the canvases either by stitching or adhesive (I've noticed both methods on fiber sites). The canvases were $5 each and have wide width stretchers which I like. I may mount my Twelve by Twelve work or some of the other small fabric collage I have. Or I may paint them.
I have come to accept the basic truth of who I am: a painter. I paint with fabric, paper and even with paint. But painting is what makes me tick (if I let it). It's the business that occupies me so totally that time no longer exists. And I NEVER have allowed myself to just paint. For hours, days, months, years, decades. When? Now.
I have Chairs on my mind and will be doing that project with some painted fabric, some collage and some stitching. I'm using a paper collage I made as inspiration. The floor in my studio is clear, the work table is empty and I found a crib mattress protector to use under my painted fabric. No reason not to start painting fabric. You should be seeing stuff on this blog in a matter of days. Soon as it dries.
I was in the car, on Tuesday, and while sitting and waiting to turn left, I said to myself, "what are you waiting for? You have the money from your father and you can go back to school, take classes, buy a printing press and make prints, vacation in Paris, paint pictures. What are you waiting for? What are you going to do with the LAST quarter of your life?"
Have you lived your life as I have? The First Quarter of my life was spent going to school and not doing my homework. The Second Quarter of my life was as a wife and mother and I think I did a better job than I had in school. The Third Quarter was spent working for a living. I think it would have been more enjoyable if I had paid more attention in the First Quarter and actually had a "career". So now we are in the Fourth Quarter, the place where the fat lady sings.
So many excuses. Have you seen the trailer for "Who Does She Think She Is?" Women who were artists AND wives, mothers and employees. Maybe not the BEST wives, mothers or employees but that's because ART was FIRST. Not Last. They got it right, from the beginning!
This was a most enjoyable post Joanne. I was laughing so hard, yes, I do find the most ernest things funny.
I also laughed really hard at the Rev. Lowry's (hope I got his name spelt correctly)closing comment..if you were black, go to the back...etc.
Makes me wonder about those who get upset at hearing the truth about a system set up by their forefathers to oppress others.
I imagined the Rev. finally. finally able to stand and address over a million people after all these years in the Civil Rights struggle and finally being able to tell it like it was. Now we can laugh about it. The whole scenario of a little old guy's last stab perhaps, at the establishment!
Anyways, I am enjoying your posts. Now, it's off to bed.
Ooops! At the stroke of midnight, it is time to get off the computer and go get some well needed rest..........otherwise the spelling gremlins come to much things up....age doesn't help either.
hahahha that should be 'muck' and it is 1.55am here!! Off I go......too funny.
Oh that post made me so hungry!
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