Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Summer Notes- Wednesday, July 3rd. Sunshine and 81 degrees at 10:54 am

 I have a lot of these circles...I really enjoyed drawing and coloring them...and that's the best thing that can happen with circles and colored pencils.  Enjoyment.

I am reading the Lost Recipe for Happiness by Barbara O'Neal.  I read it once before- but since we cannot do interlibrary loan for the foreseeable future.....I am having to re-locate books I have read in the stacks. I haven't fallen into my own bookcase as yet......I did find an addition of a book I had purchased-- a real favorite- but with larger pages..slightly larger print.  A gift in the stacks so to speak. Tomorrow's book.

I had to check yesterday's post before going on here...don't want to repeat.

Son got the Honda which has been sitting in the garage for a year or more--started by installing a new battery.  Then adding some fresh gas and taking it for a ride- adding air to the tires etc.  Everything works. Then he said we should get it registered and pay the tag tax etc....I said okay, lets go.  And we did. Go. to the Town Office...which is next door to the Grocery Store.  Well, sort of next door.

Surprised the hell out of Son with the "Okay let's go".  I put on shoes and grabbed things we might need but forgot the proof of insurance so the guy at the next window asked if it was the neighborhood insurance office and I said yes- and he told my clerk- text the office- they aren't doing anything over there... so she did.  Later son mentioned the guy has the same birthdate as me...not the same year... that would have been  wow!!!!  He was five years younger than me.

We even made an appointment to have the car worked on by Honda- next week.  Then I will drive it. Not far and not often.....but I will drive it.  I think we should celebrate with ice cream.  Or the doughnut in the freezer.

How's that for digging myself out of this hole I have been living in for so very very long.

Next up is finding a new Primary Care Doctor that is within my comfort zone for driving. Also a doctor who actually makes eye contact.  I was used to talking, arguing and getting along with my Primary before she decided on Early Retirement.  Actual Communication.  The guy I have now never says a word. He sits and types.  I am not saying anything...he is not asking what is he typing?????

I had a shower this hair needed to be had stopped being curly. Naturally curly wonderful.  It is getting thinner thought.  Sad but true.

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Summer Notes- Tuesday, July 2nd. 9:16 am- 72 degrees- sunshine...AC units running.

 So...Summer has Arrived in Maine.  I have sprayed my ankles with Stem insecticide.  Uncovered the planters- checked the headlines in the Morning Paper......haven't tackled the Keurig as yet.  Or decided if it's a cold cereal day or an oatmeal day.  Leaning toward the oats.

Cooked yesterday....was interesting.  Been awhile since I made that particular meal.......prior to that...was Thanksgiving and Christmas food...and the Sunday Pizza.  And the Occasional Winter- Soup (prior to the supposed death of the stove).  I tend to "cook" things in the Toaster Oven.  Mostly toast. or Hot Dogs. Or Toast with cheese melted on top (added pickles).....

We exist on prepared meals, yogurt (me), peanut butter, bread and fruit.  I have one tomato left and some bread.  It's Tuesday and groceries won't be bought till Friday.  Son says I am living on CARBS and not having ANY Protein.  True.  I rarely if ever eat meat.  Though I do love pulled pork.

This is not a "New Widow Thing".  This is how I have been eating thru out the Decent into Dementia with husband.  Years....I try and think back to the day he failed every test with the Neurologist.  LONG BEFORE last October.  The day I decided to stick with him at home and do what I could to make his life simple and stress free.  The day I actually mourned his loss.   Years before he set fire to the riding lawn mower while still sitting on it....etc.  Before everything.

It was a long and lonely journey.

So....I watched Bones....I saw my absolute favorite episode.  The Finder. 

Monday, July 01, 2024

Summer Notes- Monday July First- 74 degrees and 54% humidity. Sunshine.

 Not always a Circle.  Sometimes a Rainbow.

Well, I woke up too early and then fell asleep and it's now 10:30.   And Son is 30 minutes late for his morning "snack"..... nope- his "morning shower". 7- 10- 1- 4- 7.   That's when I see him.  there might be an earlier number- as he has usually already had breakfast when I show up for mine (I added the first 7).

I am making Stanley Tucci's Mother's Roman Spaghetti Sauce today  (on my new stove).  I saw Stanley visiting Ina Garden (on TV) and he's been having some serious health issues....but assured Ina that he was doing and they both had a glass of wine..  Yesterday's pizza had onion, pepperoni and sliced red bell pepper...cheese of course....and it was delicious.  The two of us can REALLY make pizza!!!!!

I may be repeating myself....I'm old.  Old people do that.  All the time.

Bones Season one and two (talk about repeating!!).....everyone seems to be in bed with Booth.  Not all at once but..he's a very busy guy. And there's another guy that Bones is sleeping with....but in the episode I watched yesterday he sailed off in his boat...never to be seen again?????  Watching several seasons all mixed together is not really the best plan but that's the way they got recorded...  Not in numerical order.

And since they are recorded I can skip past all the commercials.  Well, I need to eat some breakfast and manipulate the Keurig into a cup of drinkable coffee.   No newspaper.  But I have yesterday's sudoko to annoy the hell out of me instead.  

The only reason I'd like Biden to win- First Woman President of United States.  Go Joe!!!!!  Ladies- get out there and vote for Joe.