Saturday, January 18, 2025

Daily Notes- Saturday, January 18th. 38 degrees and very Dismal.Not a speck of Sunshine.

 So here it is Saturday.  I circled a few items in the TV schedule.  Tracker is back on regular TV- I am guessing the interval over on Paramount Plus wasn't a success. High Potential has two back to back episodes also. 9pm and 10pm.  An entertaining evening- ZERO NEWS.

That image furthest to the left reminds me of the Black Hole episode on NOVA this past week. Sucking in planets.  FOX TV reminds me of Black Holes also.  

The programs on World (PBS) are really very interesting....not All of them but some of them. There was one "artist" walking around her Town with a roll of toilet paper....making a toilet paper web of sorts.  Even attaching it to parked cars and people walking past her.  It was all caught on camera by whomever she had doing that from a rooftop.  Even when she explained didn't make sense.

I am on day four of the Hydration Project.  The skin on my hands looks less wrinkled. be truthful here...I feel LESS confused.....light headed... and I am actually interested in eating.....I had a very nice salad yesterday and later a cinnamon raisin bagel with cream I have vegetable sushi.......I also have a second meatloaf and mashed potato dinner. Tomorrow is Pizza. An improved interest in food.

I also dug thru the paperwork drawer and found my previous doctor visit info sheet....from when I lost ALL that weight (40 pounds)....considering I was wearing Summer clothing at that visit and corduroy pants, heavy winter shoes and a sweater on this current visit---the 2.22 pound difference leads me to believe I neither gained nor lost any weight between appointments.  I will file that in the interesting things that happen to me folder....I was pleased to learn I hadn't gained ANY of the weight BACK.

So...that's me...I have no other news....I did not stitch cloth yesterday or the previous day.  I also haven't done a very good job reading my books.....I did NOT return to my previous activity- staring at the ceiling so that's one for the Win Column. 

I really miss the Sports Talk Show- Now that it's gone- there is a vast amount of empty space in my DAY. I may have to upgrade my cable contract....sigh.  Just to get that ONE program.

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