Sunday, January 12, 2025

Daily Notes for January 12th, Sunshine here, snow (very light and dry) overnight. 27 degrees

 Very Proper Pear.  Postcard from Provence.

Well, here I am.  Showered.  Breakfasted.  Finished with the Sunday Newspaper. My one cup of coffee at my side.  Not a clue what I will do until it's time for football.

I have a few headlines to paste onto the desktop calendar.  Dumpster Fires for 2024 and 2025.  One is an actual dumpster and the other is a Tesla. The Bros.

I have started and not finished two library books....not a great outcome.  I got to page 10 in one and just agreed with myself that it wasn't worth reading any further.  How do they get published????? I don't think I made it to page 10 in the second one.

Then I watched the Chargers football game....whoa.  I am guessing the fires back home had something to do with that loss. Had to have had........

We'll be having Pizza later and I have the games we will watch on a small slip of paper.....I was hoping for some early day Soccer but no.   I had difficulty yesterday finding anything watchable on tv.  Even PBS let me down.  Well, today's books (so far) is Kinsella's the Burnout.  I've read it before. But, I do love the old grump on the beach.  And the crappy old hotel and the weirdo's running it.  If I ever do manage to runaway from home --I'd like to end up at a hotel like this with an old grump on the beach solving a mysterious crime.  Her first choice was becoming a Nun.,,,,laughing...

Have a wonderful day.....The Sun is shining here in Maine- and the snow- what little we got- is melting....

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