Saturday, January 25, 2025

Daily Notes- Saturday the 25th of January. Sunshine, snow covered grass and 19 degrees

 You get an old vase today- it was in the feed....

I'm having Shredded Wheat this morning for breakfast at. 11am.  I stayed up late to watch episode two of Leonardo.   It was worth it.

I really have very little to watch...even though I have acres of channels (mostly sports- as my husband chose what we got-years ago). Daughter is going to stop by Comcast and see what else is being offered. Perhaps they now- 20 or 30 years later have the Old Woman channels??????

I actually deleted quite a bit from the 3 digit selection years ago.... possibly an error on my self in Future Years.

We got an Oil Delivery's so COLD here that I guess they wanted to be proactive.  We were somewhere around a half or a bit less.  Now...full.

Prior to Leonardo, I sewed two borders on one of the rectangular scrap it's square.... It wasn't easy.  I had to unsew while unhearing  someone say he was getting rid of FEMA.  Lots of people who voted for the red faced gas bag...have been grateful for FEMA over the last 20 years....we'll see what the blowback is on this new "order".  I am thinking it was directed at the California Fire situation. All those rich "educated" Democrats who refuse to vote for him..  My breakfast is ready- and the morning paper...

Stay warm  today- where ever you are....who ever you are.....

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