Monday, July 16, 2012

Making Something From Something Else

Aren't these pillow covers the cutest thing ever?  And I used to have all those linen shirts--that I recently gave away.  Damn.  This is like when my Dad gave away all the broken Toro mowers he had stored under the porch (for parts) and then his Toro mower needed parts.  Boy, was my Dad mad.  Swore to never throw anything away again.  And he didn't.  I know, because I had to throw it all away 20 years later.

Breakfast with a friend.  I ordered four eggs with cheese and two sides of bacon.  When the chef/owner brought the food out he asked if I was "going all Paleo?".  I said yes and he replied "good luck with that".  Not a popular concept.

The kelp capsules are making me sweat.  I never sweat.  I am usually one temperature and that runs pretty cool no matter if it's winter or summer.  Now, not so much.  I don't think I like being all "moist". Other than that, no noticeable difference.  Oh----- I am sleeping soundly and falling asleep easily.  That is a very nice side effect.  It would seem that my metabolism is seeing a bit more action.

It rained last night.  Good for the gardens and lawns.  But today is very humid and I am so glad I am not at work.  My friend and I walked a bit after breakfast and it was hot.  Unpleasantly hot.  And not even 10 am.  Riley thought he wanted to go outside but changed his mind after about 20 minutes. Since it rained last night and G watered the garden heavily yesterday, I don't have to go out and water.  Thank goodness.

I think I am going to go sit in the living room and read.  I have the A/C unit going and it's very nice in the house.  G will be home in another 2 hours and he'll be cutting the grass, then we might take the dog for a walk.

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