Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Tuesday, February the 25th. Cloudy with melting snow- which means ice.

 No image.

Either I have to find some on the internet or I have to remind myself how to take and transfer images here.. the problem with that is that there is nothing here of interest to take a picture of........ snow?????

I've started to collect images of the man in the White House sitting in a chair with wide spread legs- like he's using the toilet.  My Portland Maine newspaper likes to feature these images on the front page. Daring behavior for a Republican State. (Laughing)

I clipped one and will have it here tomorrow- No...no image of him will ever grace these posts.

I had forgotten to do my one permanent JOB here--- collecting the recycling and garbage for the Monday Morning pickup....so I had to hurry. And managed to get it ready to move to the curb.  Son walks it out as he and his sister worry I might slip on ice and crack my face open again.  Me, too.

That's about it.  I picked up my prescriptions yesterday then sat and waited, daughter walked over to the Library to get my book (icy unshoveled sidewalks).  Only one... I have been reading out of my own bookcase- Jude Deveraux.  I have one more set of three and then I will be done with that. (unless there is  another set of three).....I always forget how much I enjoy reading Deveraux.  All the books came from the Library Discard Shelf.....Yes, my library threw away almost new copies.....I wish I had been able to snag more of them.  Daughter will make a survey (list) and then- in the Summer buy more at the various Library Book Sales.  The Bath and Topsham Libraries have Excellent Sales. 

I have one British Soccer game to watch today. at 2:30.   I am now going back to the kitchen and peeling and chopping things for  SOUP......I have procrastinated long enough.  Vegetable Soup.   Best Served on an Ice Covered White Snowy Tuesday in February.    Take care- stay warm.

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