Friday, February 07, 2025

Friday Morning (after the snow yesterday) Sunshine and 25 degrees.

Not my work but interesting.

Well, the plow guy arrived late last night to get the driveway cleared. (so over 4 inches of snow)....son is out there doing the sidewalks and decks this morning..  Looks like 8 to 10 inches of snow.  Looks dry.  Not the heavy wet stuff.   

Finished my book....before going to bed..  needs to be returned today.  If the Library is open- I will pick up my reserve books....never know after a heavy all day snow....if they will be shoveled

I looked thru some of the books in the book see if I wanted to tear out pages...just a few images interested me.  Otherwise I watched some Soccer- 0 to 1.   Then read my book.  A real lack of TV programing unless one wants to watch "news" which I do not want to watch.

Son has now started up the snow plow.  I recall the first snowfall after he arrived here in Maine... the swearing.  Now...he seems to just suffer thru it silently.  I liked shoveling snow on the sidewalks but he prefers I say safe and warm in the house.

I just checked my placemat.........the morning paper and my pill dispenser...  So I think I will complete the process and get my bowl of oatmeal in the microwave and my hot water pot boiling for my tea.  Read the paper, do the Suduko and be ready to go to the Library and Grocery....It's Friday.

Furnace just started up....did you have snow yesterday? 

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