Well, already the morning has been "not what I expected" but..in some ways that's good. The expected can be boring- comforting...but boring.
I am clearing out the picture file.... I seem to not do that and then one morning- it all goes in the trash can. I would prefer my own photos...... my own images... here.....but I am hardly making anything besides oatmeal, pizza and sandwiches. Yes, I could photograph them.
He Who Shall Not Be Named and the Other Genius- now think Social Security is their own property to take and spend..... I think that is called theft....as they please. I have a feeling both men are short of cash these days....personally....so stealing from others....is okay. Who will stop them....that is the better question to be asking these days......who will stop them. We need a Hero.
I am getting my haircut today- a few days early as another snow storm is approaching the Northeast coastline. Daughter took all my books to Goodwill....mostly Gardening (which I won't be doing other than a few clay pots on the back deck) and Home Decorating (which I also won't be doing). The next bookcase...possibly today is Quilting, Cooking and some other stuff. Letting go of things that you have collected...it's quite difficult at first. The empty bookcases....? Daughter arranges things in them. They look nice.
Daughter and Son ask- when is the last time you opened any of these books? Cooked any of this food? There are a few complicated quilting books I might keep......I have TIME, now. Lots of it now but perhaps not for long....I should enjoy making....creating, sewing.....I should......I probably won't.
I always thought it was my husband's care that kept me from "doing" and "making". I might have actually been using him as an excuse to not do any of the "things I loved". This is a serious thing for me to contemplate going forward.....taking care of my Own Happiness as I grow so much older.
Well, oatmeal, tea, the newspaper and the Daily Suduko. I have things to do and places to go. I am grateful to be dressing myself, walking without assistance, using my brand new microwave....enjoying the Sunshine coming into all the south facing windows. Yes, it's cold. Yes, it lonely. Yes, it the last chapter. But good things happen in the final chapters of my books...so why not for me as well.