It's raining and dark and cold outside. So my vegetables aren't as bright as I think they might be on a sunny day. New Rules at the grocery. Limit to number of people in the store at one Time. I think they count the people when they open and from then on- "one out/one in". And the line going in is long and it was windy, cold and raining. Some Presidential Supporters were vocally abusive to the RULES. We all stared them down. They either shut up or left. They didn't have on masks. We did.
Masks make the "stare" better I think.
I forgot the eggplant. Remembered Ketchup!!!! Bought a small ham. They had gnocchi. G didn't put yogurt on the list. I remembered the wine- but forgot the tonic for gin and tonics. Next week. There's always next week. I bought Fritos.
No Tylenol to be found. Entire section is bare. Doctors on TV said take only Tylenol as Advil and Aleve complicate the VIRUS if you get it. Up on my tippy toes and stretching arm way way way back- two small bottles of Tylenol PM. Good enough.
I did buy a fresh basil plant just for the gorgeous SMELL. A Glorious smell on this day inside. No gardening will be done. I have the bare roots sitting in an inch of water is a tall drinking glass.
Only fresh paper and plastic right now with our groceries. I get paper. I can use it to make journals, drain fried foods or I can recycle it thru the shredder and into the compost. I am always in need of dry (brown) to go into the mixture. I have mentioned my grandmother and father suffered terribly in the Great Depression? They influence my Life choices to this day. I collect glass jars and lids.
Daughter showed up while I was in line- asked if she could join me- I said no. Found a sticky note on my car- "I love you". Same to all of you out there. Yesterday 47 came to visit. Brought such joy.
Well, re-reading what I have up top- evidence that Thursday Grocery Shopping is the HIGH POINT of my week, huh??? But this blog is a record of the way it goes- so I'll keep it.
Yesterday was the first day that I have felt exhausted by all of this. I was up at around 4am yesterday morning and couldn't sleep. So I read until G woke up and we had breakfast and all that. Later we did some gardening and pruned the crab tree to the left of the front porch. Big heavy branch. I think it was just allowing myself to feel despair. To shed tears. Give myself over to it for just the day. Today, even with the darkness, the cold, the rain....I feel able. Able to keep going. Even to laugh. Be happy about very small things. And a post it note on my car- I love you!
It sure is dark and dreary, and pouring down rain now. I'm sleepy just woke from a bit of a snooze, and I'm just not a daytime sleeper, can't seem to settle with anything. Got out my big book of wofd games. I'll try that for a while.played Free cell solitair earlier. At our Hannaford they are letting in 50 at a time, small town, I don't think there are ever lines. My daughter is staying with a friend the next town over from you, I'll have,to,ask her if she has lined up. She's out of work, is your daughter still working? Happy Easter! I'm enjoying my lovely painted egg shells!
I hate to tell you how gorgeous it is here today. Near 70 and Breezy Clear Blue Sky. Criminal that I didn't go walking anywhere but I did Garden out on the upper deck getting rid of tired dirt refilling the Planters with fresh potting soil and getting some hollyhock seeds into start. Tylenol PM are the bomb. When I know I won't be able to sleep or have any aches or pains at bedtime two of those and I wake up wondering where and who I am the next morning but it's all good.
it was 95 here in Texas ... a record ... and humid enough make it feel like 101 ... hopefully not a sign of things to come this summer
I love the quotidian ... the shopping and doing ... coming here to visit
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