Paddington sends his love to all of you!! I bought him on my first European trip to England. I was collecting bears and it was fun to carry this one home. He has red rubber boots.
Yesterday I went out into the garden to help mulch the blueberries and give them fertilizer. We were both very tired- in a good way-- after the work outside. Enjoyed hot showers and hot soup for supper. Each day seems shorter than the day preceding. I don't know why that is. But it's a good thing.
G is out of soup and so am I so there will be some sort of cooking today. I wish I had an eggplant. I would like eggplant parmigiana. But shopping day is Thursday. So we will wait. I have eggs so I might make a frittata. Not sure if G will eat that. Pretty certain he won't. I am also wanting Brownies but will have to look for a recipe. I usually make a boxed brownie. This will be today's "adventure". I didn't go to the farm stand. I have enough of everything so getting more seemed...well, not right.
Paid bills today and ordered fertilizer packets for the Grow Boxes etc. From Louisiana. Hope they are still open for business. I know that state is having a really hard time with the virus.
It was supposed to be a sunny day today but the clouds rolled in a day early. And it feels chilly in the house when they are overhead. Every little while the Sun reappears. We found a station on the very old tv that plays "light classical" music with no interruptions. We had it on yesterday and again this morning while reading the paper. Husband is still listening as he does his word search puzzles. I brought the tv back when we emptied my father's house in Ohio after he died. Twelve years ago.
What would my father have made of this quarantine? He would have started up the sewing machine and made masks for sure. He could make anything. Like so many who lived through the Great Depression. He'd also have made a sour dough starter and been baking bread for himself and neighbors unless he couldn't find flour and that would have made him really mad. And he would have been worried about me. The old tv got me thinking of him.
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