The Wall. I put all of them up on the wall across from the breakfast table before going to bed. Looking at the work to see what needs what done to them. Only Riley's cloth with the black borders is holding steady and presenting as finished. I do not see myself adding surface stitch to any of them. All the pieces are hand stitched together with the seam stitches showing in a contrasting thread.
I made Dee's Pantry Soup yesterday. I must have salted it more than once- because, while delicious, the soup is too salty. I followed the directions to add a raw potato to the soup to absorb extra salt. No. Then I added additional water. No. I have never actually oversalted food before this so it is perplexing. My next attempt will be to add cooked elbow macaroni. Yep. Potatoes, Beans and Macaroni. In one bowl.
I was watching MSNBC and missing Velchi. He has been moved to early morning Saturday and Sunday (via an internet search). A real disappointment to me at 3pm. So I turned off MSNBC. I couldn't safely watch Bernie Sanders and his stupid hand gestures for one more second. And he chides "millionaire politicians" and guess what... Bernie is a millionaire several times over and he's a politician in the US Senate.
A Princess cruise ship is now stranded outside the San Francisco dock with sick passengers. Why did the passengers get on the boat in the first place??? But now the nickel has dropped as to why they have the virus in these coastal states- Cruise lines. All up and down the coast. San Diego to Seattle. And we know that older people go on cruises. And older people get sick first.
Another reason to love Maine right now. No one comes to Maine in the Winter. And there are only 1.2 million people spread over the entire land mass of Maine. Lots and lots of really cold nothing up here. But we do have a beautiful ocean coastline with nothing between us and Europe.
Elizabeth Warren finally said she was done. Losing one's own state is shocking (and embarrassing) and her Senate seat is most likely in jeopardy. I hope she had a plan for that. Here in Maine, Susan Collins is not doing well. Politics is not a sure thing in 2020.
1 comment:
I especially like the second cloth down on the left ... the colors glow
and sad about Elizabeth Warren ... shaking my head over the benightedness of the electorate ...
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