Our first grocery shopping experience since the Virus came to Maine. There were empty shelves but I got almost everything on my list. I needed laundry detergent. The shelves were mostly empty and I need the no fragrance etc kind. No liquid but I got those little packets. Last package. Deep Breath.
I discovered my bottle of detergent was running low this morning as I washed bedding (I think it might be wise to change sheets etc more often now) and realized I didn't have a backup bottle. And I actually started hyperventilating. "I need clean clothes". So we jumped in the car and went shopping.
I got bananas because if I am sick (not currently) they are a nice food to eat that doesn't need cooking. I had G stock himself up on bagels and yogurt and orange juice. Breakfast is a deal breaker meal for him. I'm good with oatmeal. But I did buy the very last box of Cream of Wheat. And I got down on the floor swept the back of the oatmeal section forward so others could get what was left. I forgot to buy peanut butter.
All in all people were very gentle with each other. A woman had two bags of all purpose flour when I arrived to find no flour at all. She gave me one. And we both purchased yeast. Bread baking 101.
I also purchased beans, pasta (I have rice), onions, potatoes, cabbage and carrots. Easy meal foods. There are assorted frozen proteins in the freezer here at home. I can dig them out and use them. It will be a surprise. Yep.
We watched a few hours of Africa on BBC yesterday (very soothing) and then a movie- the Ghost something with Scarlett Johansen. Our first futuristic sci-fi Japanese movie. That was something unexpected. I thought it was wonderful to look at even though it was very very strange. I am thinking we will purchase a streaming service going forward. The one from Amazon. Perhaps if this goes on for a long time- we'll change it up every month. Keep things fresh.
Daughter arrived to carry the Christmas Wreaths up into the attic over the garage for us. She also asked for a list of authors we like and took it with her. She and her friend (guy who shoveled our driveway) are driving to Portland to a used book store. Daughter loves books. Guy loves books. Love searching for books. And library is closed. Possibly for a very long time.
Three additional new cases of Virus- in Portland.
We are thinking about Chinese Lunch- like we do on Sunday. But we stayed away from Goodwill.
My DH has an underlying condition so we have self quarantined. He doesn't go anywhere and hasn't for the last week. I need to go out this week to a craft store to buy some upholstery fabric for a customer, I have a Dr appointment, and grocery shopping. I am going to try that new app where you add the item to your cart, pay online and then go sit in a designated parking spot and they bring the items out to you. Wish me luck. Stay safe my friend.
the gentleness ... it reminds me of the days after 9/11 when we were so very aware ...
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