I changed the sheets on the bed today. And the one I pulled from the linen closet was the one I had mended. It was purchased as a "'second" and was great until a worn spot became a shredded spot. I added cloth under but then must have needed more support from above with the long strip and the small circle. It's very strange looking. What was I thinking???? I gave it a tug- it holds.
I had many medium loads of wash with all the bedding (the washer doesn't like doing a large load). King sheets, duvet cover, pillow cases. I just stopped because the old machine let me know with blinking lights that it was tired and wanted to stop. We did three or four washes. Together. And the dryer is finishing up the last wash. I will have to replace the unit someday but things seem to be much more normal when I sit and watch the machine- it likes company, I guess. We've worked together for 29 years.
I bought tangerines at the grocery yesterday and my hands smell of citrus peel. Quite nice.
The grocery now has lanes and a monitor to keep everyone 6 feet apart. It's all very calm and the employees don't look as stressed anymore. Still have no flour on the shelves. But I have enough for our needs. I haven't felt the urge to bake bread yet. I am going to bake potatoes. I have butter, sour cream and chives in the fridge. So it will be a delightful supper.
No flour but the snack and cracker shelves were full to overflowing. Plenty of chips as well.
We woke to snow. And now sunshine. The daffodils have started to show some yellow but they haven't opened yet. The two days of rain cleaned things up I hope. Washed away any virus germs in the air. I can imagine that, can't I?
I watched a guy with the Good News video he made. There were some wonderful images. The entire police and fire department in a city in Spain flashing vehicle lights and horns to say thank you at the big hospital. Another city with high rise building flashing the apartment lights off and on in all the apartments. Happiness.
So, to end this post-- do something to show happiness to someone today. Just some little thing. Unexpected and kind.