The Maine Spring -first in the 16 years I have lived here- is absolutely glorious. Sun shining and blue skies. In the 60's each day. I know that most of you will think 60 degrees is still cold but here in Maine with a coastal sea breeze, 60 is wonderful. We are made of hardy stock.
The trees are slow to leaf out here on my property. One street over, it's a whole different climate. Leaves, tall peonies, daylilies in bloom. Riley is enjoying his invisible fence and roams freely, eating tree limbs, running through any standing water and helping the chipmunks sort through the compost for edibles. G has added to the "stoop" out back and we now have two levels and lots of room for visiting, suntanning and making cell phone calls.
My back is getting better. Always tough when I go from sitting to standing but then it eases up. I got the water plants all sorted out so I won't have to do that again. Lifting a water and rock filled pot is not a "good thing".
I'm making a list and planning to go to the grocery store after work. We have no bread, milk or sandwich ingredients. I've been eating my oatmeal without the usual "splash" of milk and I miss it. Today's lunch will be a skimpy sandwich and the last of the yogurt with Grape Nuts and dried cranberries. The dregs. I made cookies for G last night. No chocolate chips so I added Heath Bar bits and chopped pecans. Different.
The most beautiful hanging baskets came into the greenhouse yesterday. $30. I may buy one or take it's picture for you to see. Or both.
The front of my house looks very "ick" right now. The front door is the wrong color, the yews have been cut to the ground along the front porch (they were out of shape and scraggly), and the perennial beds need weeding and mulching. I need color and taller plants. My front yard needs a "makeover".
What's Good: I am enjoying my new camo cargo pants. Nice to have pockets for my box cutting knife, pruning scissors, latex gloves, kleenex and my Tootsie Pop. I love a Tootsie Pop while I water the annuals or sort the perennials. Knowing enough now to answer the phone at work. Potting window boxes. Having friends at work. Are we ever really happy at work without a relationship with co-workers? My walking buddy is back in Maine.
I'm working the weekend of the May all day Quilt-a-thon my chapter is having. It would have been great to get some stitching done in the company of fellow quilters. I have had time to ponder my future quilting adventures and I have a new direction. I just need time and space to get started. I haven't had time for my pen & paper journal either. Well, that's not exactly true. I do have time, I just am spending it weeding, staring off into space (thinking), or catching up on my TiVo watching. I finally watched last week's LOST. And I am in bed, asleep, by 10. I usually was up reading or watching tv until after midnight.
Got to get ready for work, water my plants, and pack my lunch. Oh, and make a shopping list.