Three months of blogging and I don't know how I made it thru the other 59 years without you. You give me hope, laughter, suggestions, and even tears. What a gift. Can't thank my son enough--he first suggested a blog to me in the summer and thanks to Deborah who kept after me to start and once started encouraged me to continue. My son reads my blog and says he has "gotten to know me" and that means a lot to me.
To enjoy the ten foot by four foot dining room table that is being handbuilt by my husband. He brought all the parts down to the dining room this afternoon and has been gluing and clamping everything together. It looked too big up in the work room but looks perfect down here. I can imagine family dinners, parties, and even "work days" with everyone running a sewing machine and talking all at once. What a wonderful way to begin the new year.
To have the pear paintings matted and framed and hung on the wall for all to see. No more keeping things I've made in the artist portfolio, hidden in the closet. No more keeping the quilts I've made piled in the guest room--hang them or sell them in 2006.
To go to more movies by myself. The Hub likes action/martial arts/blow everything up movies. I like things like "Pride and Prejudice". I went by myself yesterday afternoon for the first time and had a splendid time. Loved the movie. Loved having it all to myself. Loved coming out of the theatre and seeing my town in a whole different light. I felt like I had crossed "over" somehow.
To enjoy my life as it is.
Happy New Year to everyone out there who reads me. Thank You!
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Red Shoes

New Stuff

I had one more picture but Blogger would only upload 5 items so I will post again in a minute with the last wonderful picture--just for Red Shoe Rambling. Stay tuned.
Monday, December 26, 2005
Tidings of Great Joy
One: Christmas is Ovah!
Two: My husband gave me three apples and a turnip. Yep! That was a gift. See he was tired of the pear. He liked the paintings but he wanted me to "move on" so he trolled the veg aisle at the grocery and pickin's were slim so I got three apples and a slightly soft turnip--but with lovely lavender top and some cute little roots.
Three: My neighbor the ER doctor came over with a present--oh, pretty ribbon!--and FLU SHOTS!! Yes, he had alcohol wipes, needles, bottled vaccine and he stabbed me in the arm with flu stuff. When he said we were going to do "shots" I figured Tequila. I won't fall for that again.
Four: In prep for the annual holiday visit of our daughter, Hub and I cleaned the living room and kitchen areas. The floor, moved furniture, put on the slipcovers (red!- Target!), set furniture in a new diagonal look, dusted, moved lights, watered the fabulous Pointsettia I won at the garden store, bagged up all the paints, magazine pictures, journals, paste jars, pastel boxes, ribbons, spilled glitter etc. that cover my side of the the dining room table. All was wonderful. The daughter came, fired up my laptop and played a Scrabble game while Hub and I watched TV in the lovely living room. Criminal Intent. Mine or the TV show--you guess.
Five: My son called on Christmas Eve to say he was driving to Las Vegas for Christmas and was staying for a few days. He was going alone. Broke up with his girlfriend in the spring. They usually spent Christmas together. No wonder he wanted to go somewhere else--and for me--Vegas is as far into "somewhere else" as one can go without entering outer space. Made me sad since I was lucky enough to find the Hub on the first try and we get along so well--when we aren't yelling at each other.
Six: My 83 year old father promised not to chip ice from the end of his driveway this winter. He pulls a lawn chair, cart with his oxygen tank, and a chipping tool out to the end of the driveway--busy street--and proceeds to chip away at any ice build up. Passers by wonder where his family is and why they let him do this. "Let" has nothing to do with this!!! Anyway. He promised me he wouldn't do it in 2006. I also tried to get him to promise not to "ease" his way out of the sidestreet and into the busy street when driving his car. He's thinking about that one. If you can't pull out at a speed over 10 mph--you really shouldn't be merging into traffic. Enough said. See I'm a nice daughter--I don't want to inherit just yet.
Seven: I wish my husband would buy exactly what I ask him to buy--not the closest thing he can find that "isn't" what I asked for. Coming home with nothing is so much better than coming home with something I don't want. He just came home with two somethings that now have to be returned and I gave him PICTURES to take with. I wanted a specific electric staple gun so he bought me an electric staple gun. Thirty seven years of training and I still have not worked out the kinks. He likes to shop. This will always be a problem.
Eight: I didn't like my hair yesterday so with some not so sharp scissors, I cut the parts that were offending me, off. Geez, is Karri my hair cutter gonna be happy when she sees me or what???
Two: My husband gave me three apples and a turnip. Yep! That was a gift. See he was tired of the pear. He liked the paintings but he wanted me to "move on" so he trolled the veg aisle at the grocery and pickin's were slim so I got three apples and a slightly soft turnip--but with lovely lavender top and some cute little roots.
Three: My neighbor the ER doctor came over with a present--oh, pretty ribbon!--and FLU SHOTS!! Yes, he had alcohol wipes, needles, bottled vaccine and he stabbed me in the arm with flu stuff. When he said we were going to do "shots" I figured Tequila. I won't fall for that again.
Four: In prep for the annual holiday visit of our daughter, Hub and I cleaned the living room and kitchen areas. The floor, moved furniture, put on the slipcovers (red!- Target!), set furniture in a new diagonal look, dusted, moved lights, watered the fabulous Pointsettia I won at the garden store, bagged up all the paints, magazine pictures, journals, paste jars, pastel boxes, ribbons, spilled glitter etc. that cover my side of the the dining room table. All was wonderful. The daughter came, fired up my laptop and played a Scrabble game while Hub and I watched TV in the lovely living room. Criminal Intent. Mine or the TV show--you guess.
Five: My son called on Christmas Eve to say he was driving to Las Vegas for Christmas and was staying for a few days. He was going alone. Broke up with his girlfriend in the spring. They usually spent Christmas together. No wonder he wanted to go somewhere else--and for me--Vegas is as far into "somewhere else" as one can go without entering outer space. Made me sad since I was lucky enough to find the Hub on the first try and we get along so well--when we aren't yelling at each other.
Six: My 83 year old father promised not to chip ice from the end of his driveway this winter. He pulls a lawn chair, cart with his oxygen tank, and a chipping tool out to the end of the driveway--busy street--and proceeds to chip away at any ice build up. Passers by wonder where his family is and why they let him do this. "Let" has nothing to do with this!!! Anyway. He promised me he wouldn't do it in 2006. I also tried to get him to promise not to "ease" his way out of the sidestreet and into the busy street when driving his car. He's thinking about that one. If you can't pull out at a speed over 10 mph--you really shouldn't be merging into traffic. Enough said. See I'm a nice daughter--I don't want to inherit just yet.
Seven: I wish my husband would buy exactly what I ask him to buy--not the closest thing he can find that "isn't" what I asked for. Coming home with nothing is so much better than coming home with something I don't want. He just came home with two somethings that now have to be returned and I gave him PICTURES to take with. I wanted a specific electric staple gun so he bought me an electric staple gun. Thirty seven years of training and I still have not worked out the kinks. He likes to shop. This will always be a problem.
Eight: I didn't like my hair yesterday so with some not so sharp scissors, I cut the parts that were offending me, off. Geez, is Karri my hair cutter gonna be happy when she sees me or what???
Thursday, December 22, 2005
A Little This, A Little That

Now this (blogger picture shuffle) relates to Sonja's blog rant of yesterday on dog poop. Her friends mentioned that someday she would be standing at the end of her driveway with a pile of rocks next to her--yelling (ranting) at passersby and throwing rocks. I identified with this idea. I have always been more "Lucy" than any other Peanuts character. Bossy, argumentative, rude, and a general "know it all". I have good qualities but mostly I'm Lucy. So here, in honor of Sonja, is Lucy with her pile of rocks--ready to rant.

Now, while reading posts I came across someone's blog--did I write it down or bookmark?
--No. I always think I will remember these things. Anyway, there was a picture of Yes! and a description of how she applied this paste to cloth and when it dries she could watercolor on it and it looked like a watercolor--no repelling by the paste surface. And after drying she heat set the painting with an iron. More info later. So okay, I also bought this at the Artist's Supply and now I want to know whose blog I visited so I can find out how to proceed. Help!!!

Another picture of the same pear as above. I think it needs more darks as it looks flat to me. This is my first time using oil pastels of this creamy consistency. My previous set of 24 oil pastels still has the price tag on the box cover---48 cents. When did anything cost 48 cents? I now have 15 little pastels that cost $2.72 each compared to 2 cents each for the ones I know how to use. And the new ones are so greasy. So French. I think there was a mid-point set. Somewhere between expensive imported and domestic cheapo. The hunt is on.
I'm searching the blogs for more reports and reviews of last night's Project Runway. Good tv but lousy fashion if you ask me. Saltino should have gone but Daniel was so much easier--he had a target on him from the start. Where's Wendy when we need her????
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Christmas Wishes

I also baked cookies. Jam Thumbprints from the Barefoot Contessa cookbook and some apricot oatmeal cookies from one of those small Martha Steward Food magazines. They turned out good and I made up gift bags for each of my ten (hey, a re-occurring number) co-workers and took them to work with me yesterday. Everyone was happy. The gift bags had cute penquins on them.
I had a doctor's appointment today to see what's going on with this running nose and cough I have had for 21 days now. But when the secretary called she mentioned that the doctor wasn't in today and I would be seeing the Physician's Assistant. I said "No, I won't be doing that". So no doctor's appointment today--maybe I'll go see Pride and Prejudice at the local, crappy movie theatre. I don't know why "arty" as in theatre also has to be "crappy" as in broken seats, musty decor and just general rundown looking. They charge the same price as the new, cushy seated theatre down the road. The big difference---old, dragged in from the curb couches in the front row. Only place to see Pride and Prejudice unless I want to drive 40 minutes and you all know I don't like to drive.
The Hub and I had an agreement--no presents. Now there is a growing pile of gifts in the hallway--with my name on them and there is no pile with his name on them because I stayed true to the agreement.
Still no Christmas tree. With the war and Bush and now Cheney and Rumsfeld on the news each and every night----I just don't feel happy or joyful about this holiday. How many young soldiers will die this Christmas? For what? How many Iraq nationals--giving peace and democracy a chance--will die training to be police or military? How much more of this will America stand for? Clinton unzipped his pants and he was impeached--Bush has gone so much further down the wrong path and no impeachment.
Didn't mean for this post to go in this direction. See what a cough and runny nose does to me. But I do wish you all a Merry Christmas---no PC Happy Holiday for me---and I will be cleaning my studio so I can begin the new year with a good work situation---some clean surfaces!!!
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Bits and Pieces

Now my afternoon is going to be taken up with COOKING. The only holiday event I haven't cancelled this year. No tree, still. No presents. I did send out 10 cards. I made them and got tired after 10 so that was it. Hard to decide who got one. I plan on making Date Nut Bread with walnuts. I'm the only one here that will eat it--so more for me. Then I'm going to make a pork roast with potato dumplings and sauerkraut--- nice peasant food on a cold icey day. I will also be making cookies. An apricot ( oh, no! no apricots) cookie from Martha Stewart and Jam Thumbprints from Barefoot Contessa ( oh no, need coconut!). Shopping is in my future.
Speaking of peasant food---the library is having a Russian Tea on Monday afternoon for 25 kids and I am supposed to be making the Russian Cookies. Tea Cakes and fried Twig Cookies. The Tea Cakes recipe looks ever so much like Mexican Wedding Cookies and also like Pecan Crescents. The Twig Cookies are very much like the fried Slovack cookies my grandmother made. The menu will be rounded out with Cabbage Salad, Rye Bread and Tea. ( we decided to skip the pickled herring salad). We have a Samovar (220volts which Carol is going to plug into a 110v recepticle) She says it works out okay but takes "forever" to heat the water. !!!!!!!!!!! This is going to be a VERY interesting library program. Monday, 3:45. Get there before the fire department hoses down all the cookies.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
A Winter Wednesday

A library patron and I were discussing this aspect of the quilt's appearance and wondering whether the quilt would always need to be lit from behind to look it's best. I had this quilt in a winter show and it was hung against a wall and just didn't do anything for anyone. What I like most about having this quilt in the library in December is the view fom outside on the sidewalk after dark (4 pm). The quilt "glows" and does justice to Georgia O'Keeffe my mentor in all things floral.
I just experienced a wave of blurred vision. I'm going to stay calm and not work myself into a brain tumor etc. just yet. It could just be low blood sugar or blood pressure or something atmospheric. I'll be like Scrooge and attribute it to something I ate.
I made 4 more lightbulb angels for the library staff. It was my holiday "do it yourself" ornament for the annual party which I missed because of a bad cold. So I had all the ingredients for the "do it yourself" so I did them myself. I made 12 and they got snapped right up yesterday at work. Even though my daughter- upon seeing all 12---called them "creepy". I hestitated to share them but what the heck--they were already made. The library peole loved them. (pictures tomorrow when the Hub returns from Chicago and downloads them) I needed a few more so made 4 more. Just a painted lightbulb (40 or 60 watt), fun foam wings hot glued on, a little fun foam face, some curly yarn hair and a pipecleaner halo.
The head reference librarian chose a yellow lightbulb angel and took it upstairs to her desk where it promptly "hooked up" with a yellow foam lightbulb she had gotten at a conference. They make a lovely couple. Perhaps some candelabra bulbs in their future???
I have been reading CrazyAunt Purl's blog---she sounds so "perfect" for my son in San Jose-- he needs a wild woman to lead him astray. I wonder if she would consider it?
Aunt Purl's description of "Jingle" was so perfect. Those "Christmas" people drive me mad. I don't even have a tree this year. I put out all my nutcrackers--a whole table full-- and bought a big pointsettia--that's it for the holiday cheer around here. I'm supposed to be calling and ordering the gifts my son and daughter picked from the Chef's catalog with Free Shipping today but it's 1:30 and I'm still in jammies and robe.
I may just take a nap. Or read a book. Or watch Law and Order. I could top stitch my Marigold while listening to the new Rolling Stones CD but that would mean pushing and shoving my way into the quilt room---what a PIG STYE it is in there---just to get to the sewing machine and then try and reattach the light which has fallen off the sewing table-- and I dream of a big room with a large table and nothing else in the room. Clean and empty. While reality is this small, dark ( hense the need for the light) crowded, clausterphobic PIG STYE that I call mine.
90 percent of the problem is my own fault. I can't just get rid of stuff. I have containers of fabric I will never use. Nice stuff--not the present ME, though. How do you get rid of fabric???
I think the nap is the best solution. It's what I'm dressed for anyway.
Monday, December 12, 2005
Strange Fruit

I hope this is the last layered item we do for a while. I hope QA stops doing them also. Surface design can be lots more than loading stuff on the top like a huge stuffed baked potato with butter, sour cream, cheese, bacon, chili, more cheese--anyway you get the idea. You wouldn't have it for dinner every night.
The "Strange Fruit" of the title was an art piece I saw at a party yesterday. A fruit basket filled with altered plastic fruit. An apple studded with cherries. An orange with strawberries coming out of the sides. A peach embedded on the end of a banana. Now the insertion of the one fruit into another was done VERY nicely. You couldn't tell how it was done. There were lemons, limes, pears studded with purple plums etc . The hostess/owner of this art felt the "thing" was creepy. Environmental alarmist. Why she bought it is a question I would have liked to ask. Made me think of all the contour drawings being done this week. What fun to do one of these "Strange Fruits".
Friday, December 09, 2005
Wastebasket Treasures

I cut 14 and a half inch squares out of fusible batting. I layed the batting on top of a square of backing fabric and then started laying the strips out on the batting surface. Some were placed north and south and then crossed with strips going east and west. Then thinner strips were layed on top of fatter strips and more strips etc. I also took stuff off all along the way if it didn't work with the "theme". When it's the way you like, carefully move the whole thing to the ironing board and press from the center out to fuse. There will be loose stuff not in contact with the fusible but the pressing (notice I said PRESS-not IRON) will hold it in place. I layered one with some tulle--my favorite all purpose tulle is the orangey red one. Goes with everything and doesn't dull the colors. No! it doesn't make everything red. It's a miracle what it does. Try it.

The one without tulle was spot glued with regular washable Crayola white glue. This is my glue of choice because I got it for 88 cents a bottle and anything that's okay for children isn't going to do anything bad to the fabric. And it washes out with water. And that is important because I am VERY MESSY and end up with glue all over my hands, shirt and pants and even in my hair (if I forget and brush my hair out of my face with a gluey hand). Wash it out of your clothes while still wet and you're okay. It peels off skin and other surfaces. I glue all my quilts. If you can't glue it; don't do it. Though fusing is a close second. The gluing doesn't change the "hand" of the fabric like fusible WU does.
These are nice "warm-up" excercises to do before you get down to real work or they are excellent excuses for an hour or so of work in the studio when that's all you have. I mean to try a smaller size and make a postcard just to see what happens. Everyone seems to have made a fabric postcard but me. Got to get with it!
Now it's time for my snowblower lesson. I like to shovel snow but the Hub believes in machinery----I am so NOT happy about the snowblower (noisey and stinky). Shoveling snow by hand, in the evening with the stars out above--well, that's a good winter Zen thing. I usually do a nice herringbone pattern down the drive. Good vibes until the street plow drops 4 feet of street snow at the end of the driveway. That's BAD. For the Zen and for the back. Therefore, I need to know how to operate the stinky snowblower. Let it snow.
Painting A Pear

Anyway, I decided to paint. So I dug the paints out of the closet, got a dessert plate as palette, and choose colors to match my "model".

My model had once been selected to be my lunch. Today it was too pretty to eat. Red and ripe with golden overtones it begged to be painted. The photograph doesn't do the "model" justice--mainly because the photographer must have wiggled a bit as the picture was snapped. I hate when that happens.

I still have the "model" so it is possible to try and "do it again", but the next painting will be different in some small way-like a snowflake. I will be interested in finding out if this new way of painting is a certain thing. Do you think the quilting I have been doing since I stopped painting has somehow changed the intuitive nature of my technique? Is that how it happens? I was never taught how to paint--it's just something I have always known how to do. Not well. Not perfectly. Not prize winning quality. Nice, joyful and satisfying.
I have been reading Melanie's blog and she is searching for the "new" in her work. It also seems that she may be searching to add more depth of meaning to her work. Someone once told me that we change our view of our work every seven years. Sort of a "seven year itch" so to speak. We decide we like different colors, different styles, techniques, processes, etc. Sounds like we are shedding our skin as we grow into a more mature version of ourselves. Perhaps that is what I see in my "Pear". A more mature version of myself.
Monday, December 05, 2005
What A Day!

More about the house. I started with a cheap dollhouse kit (used a 40% coupon) and after my husband cut all the pieces out of the sheets they came on--I'm too rough and would have broken them---I painted the windows, casements et all and then the house sides and front then glued the windows in and then put the house together. My daughter and I then started gluing on the "candy". I painted wooden heart shapes to look like lebkuchen cookies and rolled out gold Sculpty and cut out little gingerbread boys and baked and decorated them (on window sills), rolled red and white Sculpty to look like peppermint candies and cut pastel fun foam into shingles for the roof. My daughter found "gumdrop" garland at TJ Maxx and my husband found some "sugar-coated" garland in Pennsylvania at an ACE retailer. At the Skillin's open house I found the two big candy canes by the front door.
Why did I make it? Neither of my two children plan to have any children so I'm a grandmother with no grandchildren. Instead of denying myself the pleasure of making stuff---I just go ahead and make it and haul it over to the library and let those children enjoy it. Surprisingly, the adults love it just as much as the kids do. The only complaint I have heard--they wish it was REAL candy. That doesn't keep any of the children (big and little) from touching, pulling and otherwise trying to get candy off the house! I hope the hot glue holds tight.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Crazy Aunt Purl Tagged the Universe
I went to Aunt Purl's for the December Horroscope but I guess it's not ready yet, but Aunt Purl had a "tag" list that looked interesting so I decided to "tag" myself.
Ten Random Things You Might Not Know About Me
1. Almost everything because I don't know any of you
2. Dental Phobia
3. Can bake a pie but not a cake
4. Can make almost anything but clothes
5. Married a man I met on Spring Break in Ft. Lauderdale, FL
6. Organize 40,000 books each summer for library book sale
7. No sense of direction
8. Add water to coffee so it's more like tea
9. Wear slippers almost all the time
10.Sewed my finger to a quilt
Nine Places I Have Visited
1. Cleveland
2. Russia
3. Germany
4. France
5. Austria
6. Hungary
7. Greece
8. Sweden
9. Denmark
Eight Ways to Win My Heart
1. Remember something I've told you
2. Presents
3. Invite me places
4. Flowers
5. Give me a pile of old magazines to rip up
6. Let me teach you something I love
7. Ice Cream
8. Be happy to see me
Seven Things I Want to Do Before I Die
1. Drive on the highway
2. Travel around the US with Kay and take pictures of BIG things. Like the giant Peach or big ball of string.
3. Visit Australia
4. Get a quilt into Quilt National
5. Learn to speak French
6. Paint--I've been putting it off forever
7. Not worry about money
Six things I'm Afraid Of
1. Driving on the highway
2. High places-especially looking over the edge
3. The food processor--call me crazy!
4. The Dentist
5. Getting Lost- no sense of direction
6. Having a blog no one reads
Five Things I Don't Like
1. People who eat lots of garlic and then come to the library to talk to me
2. Dead things
3. Jerry Springer
4. George W. Bush-I change the channel if he shows up
5. The first month of winter coat season--all the moth ball smells
Four Ways to Turn Me Off
1. Crowd me
2. Garlic breath
3. Be mean
4. Don't listen when I'm trying to be helpful
Three Things I Do Everyday
1. Make my oatmeal in the microwave and then walk off and forget it
2. Watch "That's Clever" and find that it isn't really clever
3. Wait for the mailman--someday he'll bring me something swell
Two Things That Make Me Happy
1. My husband (he'll never believe I said this)
2. Working in my fabric/mess/studio
One Thing On MY Mind Right Now
1. Is it lunch time?
Ten Random Things You Might Not Know About Me
1. Almost everything because I don't know any of you
2. Dental Phobia
3. Can bake a pie but not a cake
4. Can make almost anything but clothes
5. Married a man I met on Spring Break in Ft. Lauderdale, FL
6. Organize 40,000 books each summer for library book sale
7. No sense of direction
8. Add water to coffee so it's more like tea
9. Wear slippers almost all the time
10.Sewed my finger to a quilt
Nine Places I Have Visited
1. Cleveland
2. Russia
3. Germany
4. France
5. Austria
6. Hungary
7. Greece
8. Sweden
9. Denmark
Eight Ways to Win My Heart
1. Remember something I've told you
2. Presents
3. Invite me places
4. Flowers
5. Give me a pile of old magazines to rip up
6. Let me teach you something I love
7. Ice Cream
8. Be happy to see me
Seven Things I Want to Do Before I Die
1. Drive on the highway
2. Travel around the US with Kay and take pictures of BIG things. Like the giant Peach or big ball of string.
3. Visit Australia
4. Get a quilt into Quilt National
5. Learn to speak French
6. Paint--I've been putting it off forever
7. Not worry about money
Six things I'm Afraid Of
1. Driving on the highway
2. High places-especially looking over the edge
3. The food processor--call me crazy!
4. The Dentist
5. Getting Lost- no sense of direction
6. Having a blog no one reads
Five Things I Don't Like
1. People who eat lots of garlic and then come to the library to talk to me
2. Dead things
3. Jerry Springer
4. George W. Bush-I change the channel if he shows up
5. The first month of winter coat season--all the moth ball smells
Four Ways to Turn Me Off
1. Crowd me
2. Garlic breath
3. Be mean
4. Don't listen when I'm trying to be helpful
Three Things I Do Everyday
1. Make my oatmeal in the microwave and then walk off and forget it
2. Watch "That's Clever" and find that it isn't really clever
3. Wait for the mailman--someday he'll bring me something swell
Two Things That Make Me Happy
1. My husband (he'll never believe I said this)
2. Working in my fabric/mess/studio
One Thing On MY Mind Right Now
1. Is it lunch time?
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