Monday, July 26, 2021

Daily Notes- July 26th. HOT...Humid after tons of rain yesterday. Grow Grass Grow

 I got a quarter of a watermelon and cut it into cubes and ate about half of it after unpacking groceries. It was lovely.  I had bran flakes for breakfast.  Three boxes in cupboard.  So..... I need to eat them. Oatmeal has to wait for cooler weather.

I bought some "authentic" flour tortillas to eat with my cheese, mayo and Romaine.  I didn't buy bread. I bought a small sour cream to make blueberry cake.  The yogurt had gone bad.  And that is actually a very tricky determination to make........just saying. Tasting is not the way to go. So Not.

We now have TOO MANY chocolate covered doughnuts.  The donuts are chocolate and the frosting is chocolate.  Do you think this is an actual problem????  We'll see.  I should have bought cookies. I could bake cookies.  I could.  Will I?  No.

I stopped in at the library to return the seven day Andrews book and finally got the book I had ordered. The Andrews book was great, Connie, but........if you read all the Beach Books- this one was too modern and ignored the elephant in the room...the Sea Breeze........It could be they existed in the same time period.  Bebe could have been in Florida running that heist on the stolen boat..... and then modernized the Sea Breeze when she returned.  I hadn't thought about that. so...okay that works.  It must take an intense spreadsheet to write a series like this. Who is where doing what.

I could do more funny posts on my cooking adventures.  Off recipe, I am a real carnival show.

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