Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Daily Notes- July 27th- Hot and Humid- Smoke from the west coast fires arriving.

 Magazine clipping yesterday.  Fuel for the desk top paper calendar.  The month of July is wild and color filled under my keyboard.  Ending in a birthday.  Wish I could bake him a Spice Bundt Cake. With an entire box of candles on top.  I don't think his card will arrive in time.

I am moving hose and watering grassland the peach trees.  G is out filling bird feeders.  The birds are enjoying the black sunflower seeds.   Two adult wild turkey's came walking through the lower right edge of the back yard and then surprised us with ten baby turkey.  Running in a group and very cute. Perhaps next door to eat cat food off Ruth's deck.

I am reading an old old favorite book.  I don't know why I like it but I do.  So, it's all good.

Hard night last night.  Difficult falling asleep and then the strangest dreams.  Dreams that made me cry. The Path Not Taken arriving in different clothes.  Then I would sleep only to waken again, troubled. finally it was morning and I could get up, water my trees and grass and eat my Bran Flakes.

I baked the Sour Cream Blueberry Cake.  The recipe card was CLEAN- no spatters etc. so I assumed I was not making the right cake.  And I forgot the baking soda and had to stir it into the batter already in the pan- something I recalled doing the last time I baked this cake. I used the tiny Maine berries. All of them- why save any??? And the taste of the cake was exactly right. So it is the right recipe card.  The handwriting belongs to G's mother.  He had a piece of cake.  I usually offer and he always refuses.  Yesterday he said yes.

I sharpened colored pencils for G yesterday.  Then had to do maintenance on the old German sharpener. 1982.  Americans don't make pencil sharpeners like this- they make electric ones that eat the pencils up if not careful. I love that old pencil sharper.  On the floor under the edge of the table where the pencil sharpener lives- a cardboard box of crocheted circles and one large odd shaped piece.  I look at them each time I put on my garden shoes to go out and water.  What could I do with them????? How can I use them.

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