Sunday, July 25, 2021

Daily Notes- July 25th. Raining.

 Yesterday's purchase of a new thread box and two packages of thread paddles.  I had gotten a bag of (old) sewing items from my friend. She was cleaning out her mother's house- getting it ready to sell.  I got a bag of embroidery floss that was quite odd (and old) in it's color combo.  Some stayed here and some found new homes.

You can see I kept basic color groups.  Red, green, pinks, yellows, white and cream,  Not much in the blues in this gift bag.  I sent away the purples- not nice purples.  And the horrid oranges.  I have enough of those on my own. And I think there is another tub with more paddles that can now be put into this new box.  I use these solids as sewing thread.  To sew squares together.  Improper use of thread. My thing.

I am reading a new 7 day loan Mary Kay Andrews.  Last summer it was Hello Summer.  This one is The Newcomer.  A young woman on the run with her 4 year old niece.  Not even using a fake name.  And the  run down shabby motel owner's son is a police detective.  Mary Kay has decided to write romantic police procedurals now.  I am getting bored with the details of the wardrobe (of the gal on the run), the lunch menus and the color of men's eyes. The police detective seems interested in our girl. But not to arrest her.

The Sea Breeze is just down the road.  For any Readers of that series.  I think the cranky boat captain is the owner or maybe not.  Bebe and her seafoam colors hasn't latched on to the motel as yet as it is described as shabby and run down.  In other hope of Bebe adding some jollies to this story.  Oddly enough.....brand new iPhones, AirBnB's and computer programs so timelines just don't matter..

In other words.  WTF.  (very first time using this expression- did I use it correctly?)

I scraped the bottom of the fridge yesterday looking for something to eat.  I made a stirfry and picked wilted dead items from the stir fry packaged assortment and added celery and a carrot.  Then started seasoning.  Then decided I need protein and the only thing I had was a can of white beans.  They got drained and rinsed and into the fry pan.  It wasn't great.  It wasn't.   It wasn't awful.  It was edible. I could have added tuna....but wow- that would have been terrible. The tuna will get onion and celery today and tons of mayo. I may make a run to the grocery tomorrow.  No idea what to buy.  Nothing is appealing to me these days.  Other than chocolate covered caramels.  And I'm out of those.  Tired of grilled cheese. But I could buy bread and have more romaine lettuce sandwiches.  Tired of yogurt as well.  Watermelon?


  1. Your cooking adventure was hilarious. And the book critique — also funny. And yes: WTF. Or as I like to sometimes vary it with: WTAF (add actual in there).

  2. I didn't say the book was bad Connie but...if you read the others then the back to the Future/Fast forward would give you whiplash.
