I started this book in the afternoon. Finished it just before midnight. Her first book was Love Lettering which I have read three times now. This one-- I will read it again. Yes.
I drew a small picture in today's calendar square and I wrote Daffodil and had draw a Dandelion. Duh!!
I guess it's funny but...Dandelion. That is what is popping up in the lawn. And what husband is hunting when he goes out. He thinks he's gotten them all and by the time he takes off his work jacket and shoes---there they are- all yellow and snotty. Thumbing their noses at him. In the front lawn.
I didn't help...I noticed and said- "I thought you got them all?"
Husband is doing some fine work in his coloring books with the limited colored pencils I choose for him. Every morning a new page and the post it note on the microwave to remind me to choose new colors. He can't wait to show the pages to our daughter. She'll be impressed by the improvements.
I have ONE JOB to take care of. I have not done it. Procrastination. I hate myself for being this way.
I really enjoyed Love Lettering too! Will have to check out this second one!