Thursday, May 06, 2021

Daily Notes- May 6th- Sun/Clouds/Sun/Clouds

 Avocado toast.  I had already eaten my bowl of oats while reading the morning newspaper.  But....I then ate my toast.  The avocado was perfectly ready.  And Avocado go downhill fast after hitting "perfectly ready." I've learned that the hard way.

I am noticing tons of very very green and perky CHIVES ready in my garden.  Other than baked potatoes- anyone have tasty ideas for chives? Other than freezing bundles of them.

Reading Bet Me yet again.   Jennifer Crusie.  Daughter if you are reading this- find me a copy of these books in one of the bookstores you frequent.   Bet Me. Love Lettering, and that new one Love at First.  All trade paper.  I think hard cover is not as popular in this genre. Now that things are opening in Town- I may order these from our local bookstore- never mind, daughter.  I'll get this myself.  I need to use my stimulus money to stimulate.....

I LOVE Bet Me.  The tall sexy guy and the chubby Actuary who wears vintage clothes and sexy shoes.  It's Cinderella in modern form.  I write about it every time I read it.  It is just so delightful.

So..what else is going on here? Ah!  Washing Machine Pages.  Two loads.  I was doing just the ordinary stuff and then was counting on my fingers was time to turn the mattress.  Every three months a spin.  And I was a month behind.  The spin..and then because it's the everything- sheets duvet cover etc etc.  And then more Washing Machine Pages.  Because a very full laundry basket takes up 90% of the floor space in my bathroom- unless I push the basket into the shower.  Where it usually exists.

So..that got done.  And it felt good to have done all that.  And I actually enjoyed fighting with the duvet cover and the mattress.  I've been up for hours and husband is still asleep.  By the time he wakes up- I will be wondering about lunch.

During Washing Machine Time, I also was tearing art and stuff out of the three remaining Gun And Garden magazines.  And there was an article about an artist in the 50's who never got recognized and never sold ANY work.  Her family donated (after the artist died)  everything- tons of it- to a local art museum but eventually they decided to just have a sale and get rid of it.  Stuff sold for a dollar and up.  People filled the trunks of their cars.  And's finally worthy of a museum.  And, the author of this article was visiting someone and saw a very large painting in a house- asked if he could buy it.  The owner of the painting said no..... because he admitted "I wouldn't know how to live without it".

I am crying as I type this.  The woman who painted this work- died..never having sold anything. She died of cancer thinking-knowing in her heart- she had failed.  Washing Machine Pages.  I wrote it there. How this made me feel.

Her name was Cora Kelley Ward.

1 comment:

  1. You could be entirely wrong about how she felt about her work. Each piece may have brought her joy in the making, a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction at the finish. At the very least, each one gave her a hint of different things to try on another day. These paintings may well have been her reason to keep living, her wings.
