Saturday, May 12, 2018

Yet Another Drawing. Pomegranate

I found the journal with the chair drawings.  You saw them all.

If I had drawn like this in college--I might have done something with my life.  I blame it on my family having such low expectations for me.  I was the family "loser".  The "family" consists of me and my brother now--so...I'm still the "loser"- unless I outlive him.

When I was filling the pages of the 10 or 12 or more journal books, I often wondered what would happen to them when I was gone.  Would anyone ever read them? Now?  Well, I have something fascinating to read as I grow old. I picture myself in assisted living with my books.  Reading my Life.  And even if I am demented as my friend Patty often says--there is more visual content than written. Even the "demented" enjoy looking at pictures.

I am thinking as I go forward with the blank journals--more pictures, more drawings, less writing and even fabric. I can stitch the little fabric "pages" to the paper.  Something to run one's fingers over.  The stitches, the seams, the soft worn fabrics--they all have something to tell the person touching the fabric.  Yes, it will cause the bindings to pull and billow.  But I can tie it altogether with red ribbon.

So, that is the Plan as I go forward with the remaining journal books.  Two or three are half finished. The other 4 to 6 are all blank.  Miles to go.


  1. this is a very tender and poignant post...i love it very much.

    i hope you write these thoughts in your present book...not just here on the blog.

    and as i think, if you wrote a


    that included the last several blogs, the chairs, the search for the
    journals, the thoughts that will be would
    be WonderFULL...i would love to buy such a book. I think it would have
    great meaning for a lot of Us...

  2. You are NOT a loser, please get that idea out of your head.

    The concept of having a books of you as you grow older is fascinating There is a peace and a joy in it. Like I said, not a loser.
