Sunday, May 13, 2018

This Was Me Helping With The Laundry

Walking toward the camera.  Always wearing a hat as I had no hair.  My grandmother rubbed my hairless head with rosemary to encourage hair growth.  Old enough to walk.  Love the coat and clothespins.

I was happy most of the time.  I spent most of my day with my grandparents who lived on the second floor of the two family house.  My grandmother had always wanted a daughter.

Reading one of my old journals today--2011.  It's a very happy journal with good pictures but not much drawing.  Good recipes, mostly French.  I think 2011 was my Love of All Things French Year.
French fiction, food and clothing.  And this year, my year of reading books with Paris in the title.

A Paris Apartment.  Paris Key.  Paris Secret.  Little Paris Bookstore.


  1. Aww, what an adorable little girl!

  2. So sweet - and looking so happy. Lovely!

  3. J'aime Paris! Those clothes pins...charming photo
