Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Build A Better Chicken Coop

I had to clip this--it was meant to be sent to my daughter.  She doesn't have chickens but she does know someone with chickens and she has spent time with said chickens and actually enjoys them.
We heard, on Mother's Day, that a moveable trailer is being fitted up for the chickens so they can eat worms and bugs all around the property instead of just in the run by their coop.

And the picture up top--well, that's some coop. But not a mobile coop.

I got up late today and never got "up to speed" so to speak.  I did spend quite a bit of Time looking for things.  Not finding what I looked for....but did find a nice MontBlanc pen--gold.  In a slim leather case. Needs a new ink cartridge. From the Olden Days of living in Europe.  Good stuff.  I found my pearls.  They weren't lost. I just hadn't been in that drawer in while to see them.  Put them on.

I often wonder about going to the grocery in my white tee shirt and faded blue workshirt and pearls. You know...and be "that woman" in this small Town.  G bought them when he was working in Spain.

Found a red Bakelite tag with a real four leaf clover in the drawer with the pearls.  Very old and I think I bought it at an Antique Fair.  I asked G to put one of those round wire things on it so I could put it on the thing with my keys.  Good Luck.  He did and now--well, instead of malingering in the drawer--the Bakelite with the four leaf clover will travel where I do. In the car.

I also found some money.  And thread.  And wound bobbins in five colors.

I did not find what I had actually been looking for--- elastic cord to string beads on.  I got a little bag of really cute beads at Goodwill on Sunday and I wanted to string them and wear them.

I spent the rest of the day reading on the computer.  A future best seller in progress.  I had to stop because my eyes were getting tired....and I didn't want to miss a word.

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous chicken coop. My ducks have the run of the backyard. Definitely wear the pearls! A string of aubergine pearls is on my wish list...
