Friday, May 11, 2018

Another Found Drawing

Which I think has been found before this on the blog.  I went searching for the journal with the chair drawings.  Not to be found.  Which makes me very sad. But glad that I have these few images on the blog.  To remind me.

When I searched the journals---so many pages in so many journals with lists of food eaten that day and calorie counts and low carb recipes etc etc etc.......  made me so very sad.  I was reminded of the "self hate" of those days.  But it was these same days, weeks and months that I made the drawings.

Today the sun shines but here in the house it feels cold.  I have plants to tend.  Garden to clear of leaves (it wasn't wet enough  to compost them this Winter)  Too cold.  So now I collect the leaves (and ticks- we found one walking on the table, here in the house ) and take them to the compost piles.  The news here in Maine reports very high amounts of ticks.  They liked all the snow cover.

I work again tomorrow to help with the Mother's Day sales.  And I will leave as soon as I feel tired.
The new, higher dosage, meds are doing their job.  I feel good.  But not good enough (or dumb enough) to return to work on a regular basis.  The next time my employer calls will be when customers come for their custom window boxes.  Mid to late June, I think.  Then nothing.    

This Summer I intend to eat Lobster Rolls.  I didn't have even one last summer or the summer before that.  And Cote's will open for the season soon--and I am trying every flavor of ice dream this year.  Not just strawberry.  G says they have a new sign and new flavors. In fact, we now have four places to buy scoops of ice cream inner neighborhood.  Did you know Maine eats the highest proportion of ice cream per person? We do!   Now I need a cup of coffee.

It's nice to have a Plan.


  1. Guess what I never eat, lobster and ice cream. Used to eat lobster until about 10-12 years ago I had an anaphylactic reaction after eating lobster. I'm now frightened to eat it, as it could be a worse reaction or no reaction at all. Don't really care as it isn't my favorite seafood.I like scallops or clams,I'm not allergic to any other seafood.
    And I've never liked ice cream, my mother said when I was a young child and the family went for ice cream I'd eat just the cone!

    Hope you have a lovely Mother's Day

  2. I've promised myself that I'll try a lobster roll this summer too. But . . . with butter or with mayonnaise? I'm inexperienced.
