Components. From the second of Jude Hill's on line classes last year. I brought them to the dining room table. Close to hand. In case, I feel like threading a needle. I am thinking I need a very small coral print or check here. And a lighter purple. A stripe maybe. And that's one of the pockets from yesterday. It wants to be part of all things right now. Not sure about that beige cloth under the dots. A good match but not really into "matching" right now. Also not into the "grinding of teeth" combos I put together in the past. Just that small slice of coral- that works. The full square-no.
I got the largest of the seedlings situated into new seedling trays. They are still in "groups" as too delicate for much handling- but not crowded as they were in the milk jugs. I checked on them this morning before even making coffee. Standing up. A good sign. My scavenging of the dumpsters at work (all those years) paid off in having multiple trays in the garage for this task. And sifted soil-less mix to use to fill the trays. I made a mess. Too used to working in the greenhouse and then sweeping the floor clean and hosing it down. Here at home not so easy.
The pie was/is very good. I now know how to make pie crust dough after almost 60 years (my mother delegated cooking tasks when I was 12 along with all the family ironing)- It's the 20 minutes rest in the fridge wrapped in clear wrap. Settles it into itself. Rolls easily. I need to adjust the recipe amounts- I want more of the crimped edges. So, I need more dough. A one crust recipe is not enough and two crust is too much. So, I will need to "do the math".
It always comes down to "doing the math". Be it baking or sewing.
Jude on Spirit Cloth has moved along to making a square cloth. A surface on which we might embellish, appliqué and stitch. I am liking this more so than the robe. I...well, I do not think I would wear the robe. If it was heavily patched and adorned. But a cloth- I could look at that. Enjoy it. Now, I may still use the no pattern pattern and make a shirt. For Summer. And I also might work on the two very expensive white linen shirts my daughter found at the dump. They each need a bit more "ease" in the sleeves and width. Summer shirts here in Maine need to be "breezy". Nothing close to the body. Jude's "pattern" always the garment to be "breezy". Her new robe is titled Summer Breeze".
It is not warm enough yet (in Maine) to even think of wearing any of the Summer Clothing. I am still in Winter pants and sweaters. And right now- I am thinking I need a second sweater. And gloves.
Today I have to find the phone number for Cosmic Stone and order compost for the raised bed garden. Or text my daughter for the number as she is the professional landscaper these days. I never got around to the lo mein additions. I had a lemon yogurt and bran buds instead.
Leftover pie dough in my house never goes to waste--makes cinnamon roll treats. :-)
I've never found single crust pie recipes to be enough, so I usually increase everything by half ... then put the leftover scraps on a sheet pan and sprinkle them with cinnamon sugar, baking until they are just beyond golden brown ... "cook's privilege"
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