Scraps: Materials to use to make something. This sits on the table where I eat breakfast and read the morning newspaper- ugh!!!. Today I had English Toasting Bread with butter and strawberry rhubarb jam. English Toasting Bread toasts up nice and crisp. Did you know in England they eat their toast cold? I had to get used to that but loved the milky (but strong) tea and the Full Breakfast with tomatoes and beans etc.
Yesterday is finally over and done. G and I went out and had a late lunch or early dinner at 4pm and I had a Gin and Tonic (with extra limes) and finished reading my book and we watched one episode of Law and Order and were asleep by midnight.
The Sun is out today (blinding me off the snow) and the temps are in the 20's. Very cold but no rain or snow in the forecast. The driveway is 90% bare and dry except for the lake of slippery ice at the bottom. By the mailbox. I have written checks for our bills, written to my five year old pen pal, and made a second cup of coffee. I have one or two loads of washing to do and the Washing Machine Pages to write. G has been out to get his hair cut. My own haircut is next week.
Thank you for the comments yesterday. I didn't see them until just minutes ago. I never came back to the desktop and the iPhone was refusing to visit blogs- even my own. No Service. It does that every so often for no reason. Or perhaps it has a reason?
I am going to go do the washing. Get it done. And take a chance that one more book on my table is going to be worth reading. I shouldn't........I tend to self medicate with book reading for hours and hours but perhaps that is okay? I could fill some milk jugs up with soil and start seeds. I'll let you know tomorrow how it went.
reading can be such a good place to go ...
Yes, a book can take you out of yourself. And into yourself.
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