Sunday, April 07, 2024

Will Winter EVER End Notes- Sunday, April 7th. 42 degrees Cranky Joanne

 Japanese Maple from somewhere but not my yard.

So, You all will be getting Cranky Joanne for a few posts....what a shit storm- literally and figuratively.  Son and I are getting very very tired of the Off and On Power infrastructure here.  This time it was trees falling on the lines....everywhere.   CUT THE DAMN THINGS DOWN. Daughter lives in Town and she had power.  All the stores and restaurants also had power (no trees) street was the last and we only got power because my Master Gardener classmate......has a working land line and she called it in.  None of our  landline phones way to even call for an emergency or fire. No cell service.

One thing Maine has in abundance is very very old TOP heavy shitty trees growing in sandy soil...alongside power lines...cause why bury them???????  Just wait for trees to tip over and take all the power lines with them- even land on a car with people in it.....or just on people.  That didn't happen this time. But it has. And perhaps they haven't found them yet.

Not that Winter has anything to do with anything as the power goes out in all the other seasons- especially summer.  We are ordering a whole house generator....the wait will be long...

Other News-  while dishing up the delicious Chinese Takeout-- the left lens of my glasses popped out just after the frame cracked.  Yes....three times.  Cause once is never enough...I now have on glasses from 10 to 15 years ago.  A very very nice red frame.  Trifocals.  I used them for about 2 days.  At the time, I never really could judge where the ground was when walking and how far I had to reach before touching anything....  really great prescription....I went to a new doctor and got a new, better prescription and glasses.   .... and I might have written all this what.

Because Life As I Know actually so crapped up....the old glasses work now.  The sink seems very deep and I feel very tall (it could be true) and is an adventure.  I am using my always reading glasses. And have to wait until tomorrow to watch  Missing with out a Trace.  From 12 to 3 pm. the only thing I actually look forward to each day.....the newspaper Suduko puzzles have disappointed me.  Too often for me to look forward to them anymore.  And the mail......well, it's just bills.  But not very often.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there crabby apple - hang in there... maybe you could be distracted for a bit tomorrow by watching or looking for the solar eclipse??
