Monday, April 08, 2024

Spring Notes- Monday April 8th. sunshine and 41 degrees....Morning.

 Haven't been up this early in quite awhile...the 12 hour sleeping pattern is changing......but I needed to recoup the sleep I lost.  And perhaps I am full now.

I dug an old, mostly unused ART notebook out of the cupboard yesterday and started off center with a circle and then another and then another until the page was full and then I added design stuff and colored in the spaces with one of the many sets of colored pens/pencils husband had.....Some are used up and dry... they got tossed......but enough were still usable.

Missing Without a Trace was playing in the background.

I scrubbed the sinks in both bathrooms.... I hadn't done that in awhile....a very very long while.

I set a load of my own laundry on in the washing machine.  I have on clothes and underwear .. new to me sizes....smaller and tighter than the "usual' has been for years.... I feel like I am shedding my old self and have no idea what comes next.... is this how snakes feel?   

I sharpened a pencil with soft warm black color....I like using it.

I am waking up.  


  1. Hang on to this good feeling.
    Action! and bravo.

  2. I'm smiling because you and waking up and I'm smiling because I told you so.
