Saturday, April 20, 2024

Spring Notes- Saturday, April 20th...Raining.and 46 degrees

 This stove came with the house when we bought the house.  I've used it just about every day since.

Yesterday the stove decided to die... while I was trying to make a grilled cheese sandwich. So I pulled the  seldom used Panini maker out and plugged it in and made a damned fine sandwich....a bit messy but very very nice. Crispy edges..bread and cheese.  who knew???? Not me.

 Stove is built in (sort of) to the cabinets etc (as you might be able to see) - the area where it lives (lived) is referred to as the submarine. Because under and around this island are so many outlets and plugs and switches that the last Electrician to work down in the basement- referred to that area as being worse than a submarine.  Most older guys around here were in the Navy.

It didn't die at 9am (though it might have) but the clock has been at 9 am or 9 pm for quite a few years now- possibly decades.  I have a picture of what I want next- but I am not showing it to you until a guy comes out to see if that stove can actually FIT into the space.  We are also going to try and replace the microwave.  I was all for a stand alone on the counter but Son would like to put a new one where the old one is now.... in a little custom space over the counter.

We also decided to replace the cabinet knobs- handles- with something black and modern.  50.  We need 50 of whatever we choose. Perhaps less if we use round knobs for the cupboards like I did here in the living room.  Son would have liked black in the bathrooms we can change black.

Son worked on updating my computer yesterday after we shopped for a new stove.  Finally got rid of the Cloud.  the new computer will have cable from the keyboard and pad so I don't have to put batteries in all the time.....we use a ridiculous amount of batteries.  Right now the mouse is asking for batteries. and acting up...... well, mouse decided to end the post.... so I'll stop now.....

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