Friday, April 19, 2024

Spring Notes- Friday, April 19th. Cloudy and 55 degrees. No sign of the Tree Guys.

 They had this in the News Feed regarding Ozempic the weight loss drug with the very very high price tag. There must be a very high demand for it and insurance is started to push back.  Can't blame them.  Same with Insulin.  I wonder if Biden will step in?

Well, Grocery was good but I still feel like I forgot to buy something...  I did remember deodorant.  Difficult to find scent free anything....but I did find one.  Scent of any kind gives me a head ache. Even my detergent is scent free.  

I got a load of Jude Devereaux books.  I am reading one- Remembrance- or close enough.  woman goes back in time etc etc.  It's one my daughter got me at a used bookstore.  I also got the book that comes after the two I read last week.....but maybe it doesn't.  And by load--the bag was quite heavy- I made my son carry it.

Son says I bought more of what I already had here in the house....probably as he has a really good memory.  Makes up for my shaky memory.  Sometimes I just remember things that make me smile and have nothing to do with anything....he doesn't like that.  Store didn't have orange cake mix....I have a recipe and wanted to do an orange bundt.  Nope.  So I bought more yogurt based ice cream bars.

I continue to make a drawing a day in my big art book.  I am using husband's pencils and sharpening them...but noticed on the newspaper reading table- a cup of I will be grabbing those as well they might even be ones I bought for myself.....which would be great because I bought nicer ones.

I just answered the phone and hung up on the "Pain Management Center".  Endless Phone Crap.

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