Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Winter Notes- Tuesday, February 27th. 40 degrees 89% humidity. Cloudy.

 Higgins Rio Grand.

Stranger Than Truth Weather here in Maine. In February.  

Nicole Wallace was back in her seat on MSNBC yesterday.  That was exciting for all of her devoted fans.  I watched most of the show and it got really intense for awhile.  My Lunch Buddy was happy to see the replacement gone.....she didn't bother me...Buddy thought her straight stare and staccato voice was disturbing.  I thought she was just nervous- Nicole was more than likely watching.

Izzy.  Must have been difficult leaving her at home.

So I am going lunch today.  With my Lunch buddy.  The Flu and COVID germs her family shared for the past months have cleared.  She has a grandson in high school.  Spring and they will get on the road to tour more colleges.  

I walked around and tried to think of a project- some handwork to do when I didn't feel like reading. I usually do handwork while watching TV.  TV, in itself, does not hold my interest. Even Law and Order.

If I am not involved...then my mind tends to wander.....and then I change channels and finally shut the TV off.  And then I sit and wonder what I will do NOW.  The book I am reading is a good one... so that helps. But really, I think I am boring myself ........nothing much happens here... today I am concentrating on the funny sound I "think" the fridge is making...but when I step closer- it isn't making any noise. 

Really...this is how I spent the morning.  29 minutes until I go OUT to lunch.

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