Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Winter Notes- Tuesday, November 28th- Colder but the Sun is Shining.

So  many things going on this morning already...  Seeds is the image for today.  The possibility of new beginnings....... Growth.

it's colder today than yesterday.....but the Sun is shining.  The Garbage cans were all empty this morning so my late evening job of packing, loading and hauling it all out to the street (in the dark) was successful.  I think that was the last of the folded "moving" boxes and wrapping paper rolls.  There is one tall wardrobe type box....I keep thinking that might come in handy in the Attic.   But son says that is "pack rat mentality".  We are still using two boxes to collect things for Goodwill... we have made three large trips so far.....

I never knew a person (my very own Son) could take such satisfaction in pointing out expiration dates.  Everything expires.  But now I am personally notified. Each time.  Fascinating. Because i will eat it anyway.

I gave son the paper directions- not the best-- and a link to the video and he folded ONE origami star.  And declared it the "most frustrating thing he has done" and refused to make any more.  I have it here on my desk leaning against the computer screen.  It is a delight. Perfect. (so is he but I will deny saying that)

BUT I got to hear Son's ..wow...when the parts slid into place and the star was "just there".  It really doesn't look like anything and then is suddenly a star.....  but one might be enough for me this year.

He did mention adding Japanese tape or other patterned paper to the inside and then having a more Nuanced Star.  I might just put some of those things on the table and see if a new star is born.?????

My cross the street neighbor is back home and son took over the bag of mail and catalogs that came while she was gone....I get to enjoy looking at the wares in some very fancy catalogs while collecting her mail. They had a chat....which was nice for both of them.  

Oh, we found husband's book of passwords....so we got into his iPad and iPhone. 

And this is the sort of "mysterious wonder" that happens......I was looking for the printed Origami Star instructions from Years Ago- in the mess on the desk to my left.....and there they were...a Notebook of Husband's Passwords and the Star Folding Instructions.   Like Magic. I forgot where I hid the book.....

We are now in the iPad and we have the right passwords for the iPhone contents which will probably become mine..as it's much newer than what I have... and we can send G's photos to daughter now. She wants them.

Son and I discussed some Future Thinking on Investments etc...... I listened but I am still not sure of what Social Security is going to decide to let me keep.....and Maine is an Expensive State......Heating Oil fluctuates as the Winter continues....getting more expensive.  And I (now we) have Snow Removal Costs.

Home Ownership is new to him....and the necessary work involved.....but 65 degrees seems to suit both of us during the day...so far....61 at night.   

I was treated to a Junior Whopper and small fries yesterday. I was asked where I might want to eat today.

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure YOU get to decide which SS to keep. I seem to recall I could keep whoever's was higher. In my case, mine was a bit more so that is the one I kept.
