Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Winter Notes- On a Chilly Wednesday Morning in Maine.

 What's Freezing Outside Today.  Everything.

The Sun is shining but not doing much to make things warm.   I am getting a bit worried about the oil in the garage tank....wondering when more will be delivered....I usually don't pay any attention. Suddenly I am paying, perhaps, too much attention.   Living inside my head too much.

Son and I polished off the Thanksgiving Food-- he is now wondering what he will have to eat the rest of the week.  I am wondering the same thing.  In fact, I stood in front of the freezer section of the fridge just looking and wondering.  There are things in there.......some even recognizable. But so much of that is really BIG and I haven't cooked Big Chunks of Meat in forever.

Now in the fridge itself there are two slices of Sunday's pizza.  Some baked beans. Some very very left over Soup which I will eat..... If I make some Mac and Cheese he will have that with the leftover beans. So Today might be okay....I'll worry about tomorrow- tomorrow.

I moved the Monkey's to my Shoe Closet. Previous owner of this house had a specific closet for her shoes. I am now housing Riley's precious stuffed squirrel toys, my expensive Gucci briefcase ( a gift from husband when I was elected Women's Club President decades ago) and several Coach Bags in that closet. And now the three Monkeys.  There is room in there for more "good" stuff...if I had any.

Even on my worst days--just looking in that closet and seeing Riley's stuffed medicine.

1 comment:

  1. Living inside my head too much - describes me as well. We need to work on that.
