Saturday, November 18, 2023

Winter Notes- Saturday, November 18th. Chill in the Air and Raining.

 27 inches square.   I made it and sent it to him, I think, for his first job in California. It's from a book. I went to the bookcase to look for it was too much for me to do- I am sort of on edge right now as we have been looking for passwords for husband's iPad.  He changed it all the time. Hoping that daughter remembers.  She's at work. 

She called and had some info on the iPad and she also remembered where the important paper we needed was....And it was there.  So son and I can climb down of the ROOF so to speak.

None of this could be the time any of us realized we needed to ask-- husband didn't have a clue and every time he forgot a password he made a new one...... And that was a year ago or more..... possibly even two or more years ago.  He was really good at faking it.

Anyway.   I was asked to go to lunch but I was still full from my late breakfast oatmeal.  So he ate here at home.  We are having Football Pizza for Sunday Football. Tomorrow.

He did write things down but never got rid of the old notes- so was confused...all the time.

 A Reader asked if we are thinking of selling the house----I guess we will when it's time for me to go into a managed living experience. Until then this will be his permanent address and he'll travel.....

We FOUND the Word search puzzle books....Been looking ALL over for the huge stash of them..... and now they are in the Goodwill Pile.  I have the contents of his bathroom cabinet drawers on my bed and need to sort all that mess out.......but first I am watching PBS and the Cooking Shows....

It's like Estate Planning Hide and Seek. 


  1. ah, yes, passwords. I had to find d's passwords to all kinds of stuff. he had his standards, so much of the time it was just guessing which one he used. it is all a game and takes much patience! which I don't have
