Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Field Notes- Wednesday, May 24th Sunshine. A Quiet Day, I think.

 Are you figuring out that I am often hungry?   I stare at the contents of the fridge...and draw a BLANK.

Husband is having straight Chicken Parm these days. Every Day.  I decided to stop making soup. Now. I have said that here so.....any moment now he will ask....about Soup.  I am saying No.  I have potstickers in the freezer.  I'll make that. Instead.  It adds EFFORT to my portion of the day's about the same as was asked for to make soup.

Yesterday I decided to clear counter, sweep and wipe down find the ANTS.  There are ANTS. It seems everywhere but only finding three or four.   Yesterday I found SIX.  And crushed them... There is also a fly.  But I haven't gotten it yet.

The Town Lazy Fat Guys were back.  Doing something to the "ditch" in front of my of the side yard.  They filled it with something that will wash out with the first heavy rain.  Or be plowed out when it snows. running-it over it with the heavy machine isn't going to solidify anything.

Across the street neighbor had to drive over her lawn to get to a meeting.  They had blocked her in. Five or Six happy, lazy stand around guys who work for the Town. 

But I got to talk to the across the street neighbor...and the new next door neighbor.  I thought next door were away for the Winter.....turns out she was sick and in the hospital.  Now getting better at home.  She looked pale and was not her bouncy self.

 She had questions about the guy living in Star's house #5  now that Star is dead. Star's Son the Drug Addict inherited the house..  There are lots of cars....a big No Parking sign nailed to a tree....blinds and curtains on the front of the house are all different...up, down, crooked....this is how Drug Addicts Take Care of An Inherited House while doing Drug Business out of Said House. And having a wife and small child. I had no answers for her.  Since I once had a brother just like with my mentally impaired will all be a party until the money runs out.......... or he dies......I didn't share that.  My brother did die ........eventually.  He wrote (in his will) the I was not to get even one penny of his money.......and he thought that would hurt my feelings????

It actually made me laugh out loud......jerk.


  1. drug addicts have such a funny sense of humor LOL

  2. I guess.....he went off the rails in middle school. by high school....geez! And he was gay.
    so there was that behavior- wildly inappropriate even for someone gay.
