If only......I didn't climb the stairs or take the elevator to the second floor to look at puzzles. He has one on the table now that will take FOREVER as it isn't an easy one. The image up top is a puzzle. I was too late to buy it. The previous puzzle was really difficult- so I went over and got most of it done- he had the borders wrong.
He asked for another book to read. Was reading it when I finished grocery shopping. He waits in the car. I took back a full bag and filled it up with new books for this week..... I might need to get him two books next time. I think one of the books I ordered from another library is X rated. Def on the cover of the book being...."not ordinarily seen" in my library. Same guy- white tee shirt. Sells books, I guess.
Deb L you might want to try this guy on your next cover.
Bran flakes- generic- were on the shelf today. I like a cold cereal in the Summer Months. Oatmeal when it's below 50 degrees. But, it goes down to 50 in the Summer......so I always have oatmeal in the cupboard. I bought an extra carton of my milk....... for the Flakes.
Husband is on the SunPorch eating tangerines and crunchy chicken nuggets. I have a bag of Cherries.
Still running on a "high" from the successful three loads of Washing. Was amazing.
Returned the newest Jude Devereaux. Read it a second time and cried even more than the first time. There were a few pages I must have skipped. And a line at the end.......
So. that's me.
I'll pass on that cover. The current trend is definitely away from people on book covers, no matter the genre. "Object oriented" they call it.